Tokyo Tama City Hall
Remote PC Array Case Study
[email protected] | | +886 3 328 8837
Realizing teleworking environment while minimizing
implementation and maintenance/operation costs
with no significant changes to staff work environment
Your Reliable Cloud Computing Partner
Success Case Study
[email protected] | | +886 3 328 8837
Your Reliable Cloud Computing Partner
Success Case Study
Aiming to create a new work environment for
combating the covid pandemic and reforming work
Located in the southern part of the Tama region of Tokyo, Tama City is
rich in nature surrounded by the Tama River and Tama Hills, and has
flourished as the core city of Tama New Town, the largest residential
development in Japan.
Since several years ago, Tama City Hall has been considering and
researching the introduction of teleworking into their staff work
environment as part of their efforts to reform work styles. Against this
backdrop, the covid pandemic grew increasingly grave, and in
response to this, the City Hall embarked on the development of a new
work environment compatible with teleworking from around July 2020,
with the goal of promoting measures against covid and reforming work
In preparing for the teleworking environment, the Tama City Hall
considered adopting thin client terminals that do not leave data in the
mainframe as a means of preventing data breach in the event data got
lost, etc. Mr. Ryuichi Yabe, Chief of the Information Policy Section,
Planning Policy Department, Tama City Hall, talks about the
requirements of terminals for teleworking as follows.
"For staff to be able to work comfortably, we decided that the
terminals should have the same specifications as the FAT terminals
that we had been using until then. We also thought that an
environment running on a client OS rather than a server OS would
serve us better for starting the teleworking environment as early as
Adopting a proposal that leverages "Remote PC
Array" capable of minimizing the burden of system
environment changes on staff while keeping costs low
Tama City Hall invited partner companies to propose teleworking
solutions based on the requirements for teleworking. They then
compared and discussed the proposals presented to them, from
various angles.
"In adopting the telework solution, we compared and studied various
options, including building a virtual desktop on-premise using the
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) method, a desktop virtualization
service (DaaS: Desktop as a Service) provided by a
telecommunications carrier, and migrating to the new Municipal
Information System Resilience Improvement Model proposed by the
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (a solution that adopts
Microsoft 365)." (Yabe) One of the proposals recommended
teleworking solution making use of "Remote PC Array."
"Remote PC Array" provides all-in-one CPU, memory, storage,
network switches, management software, etc., necessary for the
virtual desktop infrastructure, allowing installation with little or no
change to the existing business environment. It also allows use of
Windows 10 Pro as the terminal OS.
Tama City is located in the southern part
of the Tama region, approximately 30 to 35
km from central Tokyo. Surrounded by
the Tama River and Tama Hills, the city
has an undulating topography and has
evolved as the core city of Tama New
Town, the largest residential development
in Japan. The city is well connected by
private railways, the Odakyu and Keio
lines, and the Tama City Monorail, a third
sector railway. The area south of Tama
Center Station is rich in nature, and as the
center of Tama New Town, it boasts
numerous mega commercial facilities and
leisure facilities, and is home to residents
of all ages.
Name of municipality:
Tama City, Tokyo
Location of office:
6-12-1, Sekido, Tama City, Tokyo
148,146 (present as of August 1, 2021)
Profile of municipality
"Major factors that contributed to choosing this system included the fact
that it was easier to implement than other systems, and that it was
possible to use the telework terminals with the same operational feel as
the existing FAT terminals, thus reducing the burden imposed on staff due
to changes in the system environment." (Yabe)
Moreover, the possibility of introducing the system at a low cost was
another reason why "Remote PC Array" was chosen. Ms. Naoko Mori of
the Information Policy Division, Planning and Policy Department, Tama
City Hall, says the following.
“Cost has been a major issue for us in implementing a teleworking
environment. Because "Remote PC Array" does not require a hypervisor,
costs can be reduced compared to the cost of installing a typical VDI. In
addition, fewer components running meant lower maintenance and
operation costs. Being able to reduce the cost of such installation and
maintenance operations has proved to be a huge advantage. We also
appreciated the fact that we didn't have to make any major changes to existing
connections." Mr. Jun Igarashi of Sales Department 1, Sales Division 2,
Axio Corporation, who proposed this system, explains the key points.
In the case of municipalities, the issue of separating networks is a key point. VDI is inevitably costly
and burdensome to maintain and manage. In this respect, Remote PC Array meets needs in terms of
cost and operational load, which we believe is why it was well received.
As a result of these considerations, Tama City Hall decided to adopt a teleworking solution that
utilizes "Remote PC Array.
Building a two-plan teleworking environment using 200 terminals, with the
first objective being to familiarize staff with the teleworking environment
Tama City Hall created two plans with different usage environments and
began building a teleworking environment with 100 terminals each.
“The first is "Plan 1," in which all terminals used for daily work by
employees in managerial positions and above are shifted to teleworking
terminals. The other is "Plan 2," in which employees in general positions
below the rank of section chief are loaned teleworking terminals to take
with them.” (Yabe)
System implementation was divided into two phases: the terminals and
the infrastructure (remote PC array), and the lines from the infrastructure
to the terminals and their connection methods. The necessary equipment
and tools were procured in November and December 2020. Next, in
January 2021, construction of the teleworking environment began, and
from around May of the same year, test operations were run also for the
purpose of verifications. Finally, in July 2021, teleworking was launched in
actual work.
Mr. Akiomi Ishikawa, from Group 2, ICT Technology Department,
Technology Division, Axio Corporation, who was in charge of the
installation says "We needed to set up 200 terminals in a short period of
time, but the simple configuration of the Remote PC Array made that easy, allowing us to complete
the project on time."
This is how Tama City Hall introduced its teleworking environment. However, since this is the first
time the municipal was embarking on teleworking, the first objective of both plans was to familiarize
their staff with this form of working style.
“In Plan 1, managers are often on the move in government buildings and have many opportunities to
use teleworking terminals away from their seats. In Plan 2, for example, although departments that
focus on counter operations have few opportunities to use teleworking terminals in the office,
opportunities to use these terminals from home, etc. are gradually being increased to enable staff to
become accustomed to the teleworking environment. As these efforts progress, we are seeing more
and more opportunities to use telework terminals for meetings, etc., and as a result, we are gradually
going paperless." (Yabe)
The fact that our staff "didn't notice" the new changes in the environment is a
significant achievement. We will continue to use the Remote PC Array to
improve the workplace environment.
One of the goals of introducing teleworking for Tama City Hall was for staff to be able to shift to a
teleworking environment without having to make changes to their current work. The key to achieving
this goal was to create a network environment that can accommodate teleworking.
"Key points of the network environment are, for example, how to connect with existing systems and
devices, whether it is possible to shift from wired to wireless without disrupting staff work, and
whether staff can use terminals stress-free during teleworking. We resolved these issues one at a
time as we proceeded with the implementation with our partners. One staff member said ''I didn't
even notice'' that the environment had changed. This is a big accomplishment for us." (Mori)
Based on their newly introduced telework environment, Tama City Hall plans to further promote the
use of thin clients for terminals based on the "Remote PC Array."
"One of the themes that we hope to achieve is to convert our My Number terminals to thin clients. To
this end, we need to understand the requirements of teleworking and seize the introduction of
teleworking as an opportunity to build a corporate culture in the organization that will encourage staff
to take on the challenges of a new work environment. Moreover, work styles will change as
teleworking progresses, so we hope to work on this through discussions with the human resources
department and other related departments." (Yabe)
Tokyo Tama City
Ryuichi Yabe (left)
Naoko Mori (right)
[email protected] | | +886 3 328 8837
Your Reliable Cloud Computing Partner
Success Case Study
Aiming to create a new work environment for
combating the covid pandemic and reforming work
Located in the southern part of the Tama region of Tokyo, Tama City is
rich in nature surrounded by the Tama River and Tama Hills, and has
flourished as the core city of Tama New Town, the largest residential
development in Japan.
Since several years ago, Tama City Hall has been considering and
researching the introduction of teleworking into their staff work
environment as part of their efforts to reform work styles. Against this
backdrop, the covid pandemic grew increasingly grave, and in
response to this, the City Hall embarked on the development of a new
work environment compatible with teleworking from around July 2020,
with the goal of promoting measures against covid and reforming work
In preparing for the teleworking environment, the Tama City Hall
considered adopting thin client terminals that do not leave data in the
mainframe as a means of preventing data breach in the event data got
lost, etc. Mr. Ryuichi Yabe, Chief of the Information Policy Section,
Planning Policy Department, Tama City Hall, talks about the
requirements of terminals for teleworking as follows.
"For staff to be able to work comfortably, we decided that the
terminals should have the same specifications as the FAT terminals
that we had been using until then. We also thought that an
environment running on a client OS rather than a server OS would
serve us better for starting the teleworking environment as early as
Adopting a proposal that leverages "Remote PC
Array" capable of minimizing the burden of system
environment changes on staff while keeping costs low
Tama City Hall invited partner companies to propose teleworking
solutions based on the requirements for teleworking. They then
compared and discussed the proposals presented to them, from
various angles.
"In adopting the telework solution, we compared and studied various
options, including building a virtual desktop on-premise using the
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) method, a desktop virtualization
service (DaaS: Desktop as a Service) provided by a
telecommunications carrier, and migrating to the new Municipal
Information System Resilience Improvement Model proposed by the
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (a solution that adopts
Microsoft 365)." (Yabe) One of the proposals recommended
teleworking solution making use of "Remote PC Array."
"Remote PC Array" provides all-in-one CPU, memory, storage,
network switches, management software, etc., necessary for the
virtual desktop infrastructure, allowing installation with little or no
change to the existing business environment. It also allows use of
Windows 10 Pro as the terminal OS.
"Major factors that contributed to choosing this system included the fact
that it was easier to implement than other systems, and that it was
possible to use the telework terminals with the same operational feel as
the existing FAT terminals, thus reducing the burden imposed on staff due
to changes in the system environment." (Yabe)
Moreover, the possibility of introducing the system at a low cost was
another reason why "Remote PC Array" was chosen. Ms. Naoko Mori of
the Information Policy Division, Planning and Policy Department, Tama
City Hall, says the following.
“Cost has been a major issue for us in implementing a teleworking
environment. Because "Remote PC Array" does not require a hypervisor,
costs can be reduced compared to the cost of installing a typical VDI. In
addition, fewer components running meant lower maintenance and
operation costs. Being able to reduce the cost of such installation and
maintenance operations has proved to be a huge advantage. We also
appreciated the fact that we didn't have to make any major changes to existing
connections." Mr. Jun Igarashi of Sales Department 1, Sales Division 2,
Axio Corporation, who proposed this system, explains the key points.
In the case of municipalities, the issue of separating networks is a key point. VDI is inevitably costly
and burdensome to maintain and manage. In this respect, Remote PC Array meets needs in terms of
cost and operational load, which we believe is why it was well received.
As a result of these considerations, Tama City Hall decided to adopt a teleworking solution that
utilizes "Remote PC Array.
Building a two-plan teleworking environment using 200 terminals, with the
first objective being to familiarize staff with the teleworking environment
Tama City Hall created two plans with different usage environments and
began building a teleworking environment with 100 terminals each.
“The first is "Plan 1," in which all terminals used for daily work by
employees in managerial positions and above are shifted to teleworking
terminals. The other is "Plan 2," in which employees in general positions
below the rank of section chief are loaned teleworking terminals to take
with them.” (Yabe)
System implementation was divided into two phases: the terminals and
the infrastructure (remote PC array), and the lines from the infrastructure
to the terminals and their connection methods. The necessary equipment
and tools were procured in November and December 2020. Next, in
January 2021, construction of the teleworking environment began, and
from around May of the same year, test operations were run also for the
purpose of verifications. Finally, in July 2021, teleworking was launched in
actual work.
Mr. Akiomi Ishikawa, from Group 2, ICT Technology Department,
Technology Division, Axio Corporation, who was in charge of the
installation says "We needed to set up 200 terminals in a short period of
time, but the simple configuration of the Remote PC Array made that easy, allowing us to complete
the project on time."
This is how Tama City Hall introduced its teleworking environment. However, since this is the first
time the municipal was embarking on teleworking, the first objective of both plans was to familiarize
their staff with this form of working style.
“In Plan 1, managers are often on the move in government buildings and have many opportunities to
use teleworking terminals away from their seats. In Plan 2, for example, although departments that
focus on counter operations have few opportunities to use teleworking terminals in the office,
opportunities to use these terminals from home, etc. are gradually being increased to enable staff to
become accustomed to the teleworking environment. As these efforts progress, we are seeing more
and more opportunities to use telework terminals for meetings, etc., and as a result, we are gradually
going paperless." (Yabe)
The fact that our staff "didn't notice" the new changes in the environment is a
significant achievement. We will continue to use the Remote PC Array to
improve the workplace environment.
One of the goals of introducing teleworking for Tama City Hall was for staff to be able to shift to a
teleworking environment without having to make changes to their current work. The key to achieving
this goal was to create a network environment that can accommodate teleworking.
"Key points of the network environment are, for example, how to connect with existing systems and
devices, whether it is possible to shift from wired to wireless without disrupting staff work, and
whether staff can use terminals stress-free during teleworking. We resolved these issues one at a
time as we proceeded with the implementation with our partners. One staff member said ''I didn't
even notice'' that the environment had changed. This is a big accomplishment for us." (Mori)
Based on their newly introduced telework environment, Tama City Hall plans to further promote the
use of thin clients for terminals based on the "Remote PC Array."
"One of the themes that we hope to achieve is to convert our My Number terminals to thin clients. To
this end, we need to understand the requirements of teleworking and seize the introduction of
teleworking as an opportunity to build a corporate culture in the organization that will encourage staff
to take on the challenges of a new work environment. Moreover, work styles will change as
teleworking progresses, so we hope to work on this through discussions with the human resources
department and other related departments." (Yabe)
Tokyo Tama City
Chief, Information Policy
Section, Planning and
Policy Department
Ryuichi Yabe
Tokyo Tama City
Chief, Information Policy
Section, Planning and
Policy Department
Naoko Mori
Aiming to create a new work environment for
combating the covid pandemic and reforming work
Located in the southern part of the Tama region of Tokyo, Tama City is
rich in nature surrounded by the Tama River and Tama Hills, and has
flourished as the core city of Tama New Town, the largest residential
development in Japan.
Since several years ago, Tama City Hall has been considering and
researching the introduction of teleworking into their staff work
environment as part of their efforts to reform work styles. Against this
backdrop, the covid pandemic grew increasingly grave, and in
response to this, the City Hall embarked on the development of a new
work environment compatible with teleworking from around July 2020,
with the goal of promoting measures against covid and reforming work
In preparing for the teleworking environment, the Tama City Hall
considered adopting thin client terminals that do not leave data in the
mainframe as a means of preventing data breach in the event data got
lost, etc. Mr. Ryuichi Yabe, Chief of the Information Policy Section,
Planning Policy Department, Tama City Hall, talks about the
requirements of terminals for teleworking as follows.
"For staff to be able to work comfortably, we decided that the
terminals should have the same specifications as the FAT terminals
that we had been using until then. We also thought that an
environment running on a client OS rather than a server OS would
serve us better for starting the teleworking environment as early as
Adopting a proposal that leverages "Remote PC
Array" capable of minimizing the burden of system
environment changes on staff while keeping costs low
Tama City Hall invited partner companies to propose teleworking
solutions based on the requirements for teleworking. They then
compared and discussed the proposals presented to them, from
various angles.
"In adopting the telework solution, we compared and studied various
options, including building a virtual desktop on-premise using the
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) method, a desktop virtualization
service (DaaS: Desktop as a Service) provided by a
telecommunications carrier, and migrating to the new Municipal
Information System Resilience Improvement Model proposed by the
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (a solution that adopts
Microsoft 365)." (Yabe) One of the proposals recommended
teleworking solution making use of "Remote PC Array."
"Remote PC Array" provides all-in-one CPU, memory, storage,
network switches, management software, etc., necessary for the
virtual desktop infrastructure, allowing installation with little or no
change to the existing business environment. It also allows use of
Windows 10 Pro as the terminal OS.
"Major factors that contributed to choosing this system included the fact
that it was easier to implement than other systems, and that it was
possible to use the telework terminals with the same operational feel as
the existing FAT terminals, thus reducing the burden imposed on staff due
to changes in the system environment." (Yabe)
Moreover, the possibility of introducing the system at a low cost was
another reason why "Remote PC Array" was chosen. Ms. Naoko Mori of
the Information Policy Division, Planning and Policy Department, Tama
City Hall, says the following.
“Cost has been a major issue for us in implementing a teleworking
environment. Because "Remote PC Array" does not require a hypervisor,
costs can be reduced compared to the cost of installing a typical VDI. In
addition, fewer components running meant lower maintenance and
operation costs. Being able to reduce the cost of such installation and
maintenance operations has proved to be a huge advantage. We also
appreciated the fact that we didn't have to make any major changes to existing
connections." Mr. Jun Igarashi of Sales Department 1, Sales Division 2,
Axio Corporation, who proposed this system, explains the key points.
In the case of municipalities, the issue of separating networks is a key point. VDI is inevitably costly
and burdensome to maintain and manage. In this respect, Remote PC Array meets needs in terms of
cost and operational load, which we believe is why it was well received.
As a result of these considerations, Tama City Hall decided to adopt a teleworking solution that
utilizes "Remote PC Array.
Building a two-plan teleworking environment using 200 terminals, with the
first objective being to familiarize staff with the teleworking environment
Tama City Hall created two plans with different usage environments and
began building a teleworking environment with 100 terminals each.
“The first is "Plan 1," in which all terminals used for daily work by
employees in managerial positions and above are shifted to teleworking
terminals. The other is "Plan 2," in which employees in general positions
below the rank of section chief are loaned teleworking terminals to take
with them.” (Yabe)
System implementation was divided into two phases: the terminals and
the infrastructure (remote PC array), and the lines from the infrastructure
to the terminals and their connection methods. The necessary equipment
and tools were procured in November and December 2020. Next, in
January 2021, construction of the teleworking environment began, and
from around May of the same year, test operations were run also for the
purpose of verifications. Finally, in July 2021, teleworking was launched in
actual work.
Mr. Akiomi Ishikawa, from Group 2, ICT Technology Department,
Technology Division, Axio Corporation, who was in charge of the
installation says "We needed to set up 200 terminals in a short period of
time, but the simple configuration of the Remote PC Array made that easy, allowing us to complete
the project on time."
This is how Tama City Hall introduced its teleworking environment. However, since this is the first
time the municipal was embarking on teleworking, the first objective of both plans was to familiarize
their staff with this form of working style.
“In Plan 1, managers are often on the move in government buildings and have many opportunities to
[email protected] | | +886 3 328 8837
Your Reliable Cloud Computing Partner
Success Case Study
use teleworking terminals away from their seats. In Plan 2, for example, although departments that
focus on counter operations have few opportunities to use teleworking terminals in the office,
opportunities to use these terminals from home, etc. are gradually being increased to enable staff to
become accustomed to the teleworking environment. As these efforts progress, we are seeing more
and more opportunities to use telework terminals for meetings, etc., and as a result, we are gradually
going paperless." (Yabe)
The fact that our staff "didn't notice" the new changes in the environment is a
significant achievement. We will continue to use the Remote PC Array to
improve the workplace environment.
One of the goals of introducing teleworking for Tama City Hall was for staff to be able to shift to a
teleworking environment without having to make changes to their current work. The key to achieving
this goal was to create a network environment that can accommodate teleworking.
"Key points of the network environment are, for example, how to connect with existing systems and
devices, whether it is possible to shift from wired to wireless without disrupting staff work, and
whether staff can use terminals stress-free during teleworking. We resolved these issues one at a
time as we proceeded with the implementation with our partners. One staff member said ''I didn't
even notice'' that the environment had changed. This is a big accomplishment for us." (Mori)
Based on their newly introduced telework environment, Tama City Hall plans to further promote the
use of thin clients for terminals based on the "Remote PC Array."
"One of the themes that we hope to achieve is to convert our My Number terminals to thin clients. To
this end, we need to understand the requirements of teleworking and seize the introduction of
teleworking as an opportunity to build a corporate culture in the organization that will encourage staff
to take on the challenges of a new work environment. Moreover, work styles will change as
teleworking progresses, so we hope to work on this through discussions with the human resources
department and other related departments." (Yabe)
System conceptual diagram
LGWAN connection system
Remote PC Array
Thin client terminals
(loaned out during telework)
Thin client terminals
(daily work + telework)
Employee work terminal
Remote desktop
Telework system
Plan 1
Plan 2
General office work
AXIO Corporation
AXIO Corporation