Issue 24: issued on 28 March 2024
Period of Validity and Licence Fees
determined by the Communications Authority
Pursuant to section 7(6) of the Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106), the
Communications Authority (Authority) determines that the period of validity
and licence fees in respect of the following licences
are those listed under the
respective licences. The period of validity and licence fees are applicable
with immediate effect.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $1,500 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid from the first day of the month in which it is issued
and shall, subject to the conditions thereof, be valid for a period of 12 months
thereafter. Subject to the discretion of the Authority, the licence may be
renewed for a period of one year at a time.
Carrier licence is not included in the list. The period of validity and fees of a carrier licence are
prescribed by regulation by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development. See the
Telecommunications (Carrier Licences) Regulation (Cap. 106V).
A fee of $150 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $150 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the second year following the
year in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it
was issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of two years at a time.
A fee of $1,500 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $360 for every 100 outlet points, or part thereof, shall be payable on
the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
1. Subject to paragraph 2, a fee of $150 for every transmitter unit and $80 for
every reception unit shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
2. If, during the period of 12 months following the issue or renewal of the
(a) more than the number of reception units specified in the licence is in
operation, there shall be payable at the end of such period, in respect
of each additional such reception unit, a further fee of $7 for each
whole month during which the reception unit was in operation;
(b) less than the number of reception units specified in the licence is in
operation, the Authority shall, at the end of such period, refund to the
licensee in respect of each reception unit below that number a sum of
$7 for each whole month during which the reception unit was
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $300 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid for two years and shall expire on the first day of the
month next following the month in which it was issued and in the second year
following the year in which it was issued. Subject to the discretion of the
Authority, the licence may be renewed for a period of two years at a time.
1. An annual fixed fee of $750 shall be payable on the issue or on
anniversary of the issue of the licence in each year while the licence
remains in force.
2. An annual variable fee of $700 shall be payable for every 100 reception
units or part thereof functioning as an independent output from the system
on the issue or on anniversary of the issue of the licence in each year while
the licence remains in force.
3. For the purpose of determining the fees payable under paragraph 2, the
number of reception units shall be those functioning at the time when the
licence is issued or on anniversary of the issue of the licence in each year
while the licence remains in force.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $80 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid for five years from the day on which it is issued, and,
subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be extended for a further period
of up to five years.
The annual licence fee payable on the issue and on anniversary of the issue of
the licence in each year while the licence remains in force shall be the sum of:
1. Fixed Fee
A fee of $100,000
2. Base Station Fee
(a) For the 1
to the 50
base station installed for the service:
$1,000 per base station
(b) For the 51
to the 100
base station installed for the service:
$500 per base station
(c) For the 101
base station installed for the service and any additional
base stations:
$100 per base station
3. Localised Wireless Broadband Service (“LWBS”) Device Fee
A fee of $200 for each 100 LWBS devices or less connected by
radiocommunications means to the network established and maintained
under the licence.
4. Spectrum Management Fee
$1 for every 1 kHz or part thereof of spectrum then assigned to the
licensee. In accordance with assignment of the spectrum to the licensee
on a non-exclusive and geographically sharing basis, the fee shall be
proportionally reduced by a reduction factor, determined on the date on
which the fee is payable, taking into account the number of users
authorised or reserved by the Authority to use that particular part of the
radio frequency.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid for five years from the day on which it is issued, and,
subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be extended for a further period
of up to five years.
The annual licence fee payable on the issue and on anniversary of the issue of
the licence in each year while the licence remains in force shall be the sum of:
1. Fixed Fee
A fee of $10,000
2. Base Station Fee
(a) For the 1
to the 50
base station installed for the system:
$1,000 per base station
(b) For the 51
to the 100
base station installed for the system:
$500 per base station
(c) For the 101
base station installed for the system and any additional
base stations:
$100 per base station
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $150 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $750 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $220 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
1. A fee of $750 shall be payable for every fixed or base station on the issue
or renewal of the licence.
2. A fee of $220 shall be payable for every mobile station on the issue or
renewal of the licence.
3. If, during the period of 12 months following the grant or renewal of the
(a) new fixed or base stations are added to the licence, there shall be
payable at the time of addition of every such station a further fee of
$62.5 for each whole month of the remaining term of the licence;
(b) new mobile stations are added to the licence, there shall be payable at
the time of addition of every such station a further fee of $18.3 for
each whole month of the remaining term of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
1. For each fixed transmitting station, a fee of $750 shall be payable on the
issue or renewal of the licence.
2. For each receiving station, a fee of $80 shall be payable on the issue or
renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence is valid for 10 years from the day on which it is issued, and, subject
to the discretion of the Authority, may be extended for a further period of up to
three years.
(A) For Public Radio Paging Services Licensed under the Public
Radiocommunications Service (“PRS”) Licence
1. The annual licence fee payable on the issue and on anniversary of the issue
of the licence in each year while the licence remains in force shall be the
sum of:
(a) Base Station Fee
For the 1
to the 50
base station installed for the service:
$1,000 per base station
For the 51
to the 100
base station installed for the service:
$500 per base station
For the 101
base station installed for the service and any additional
base stations:
$100 per base station
(b) Mobile Station Fee
$500 for each 100 mobile stations or less used by customers of the
(c) Spectrum Fee
$50 for every 1 kHz of spectrum assigned to the licensee.
(d) Number Fee
$3 for every subscriber number allocated to the licensee. A
subscriber number is a number in the Hong Kong Numbering Plan
within numbering blocks allocated by the Authority to a licensee,
which number may be assigned by the licensee to its customer for use
of a telecommunications service. The number fee shall be payable
on the issue of a PRS licence and on each anniversary of the issue of
the PRS licence while the licence remains in force, for each subscriber
number allocated to the licensee.
(B) For Other Services Licensed under the PRS Licence
1. The annual fee payable on the issue and on anniversary of the issue of the
licence in each year while the licence remains in force shall be the sum of:
(a) for the 1
to the 50
base station $1,000 per base station
installed for the service
(b) for the 51
to the 100
base station $500 per base station
installed for the service
(c) for the 101
base station installed for $100 per base station
the service and any additional base
(d) for the 1
200 mobile stations or less $3,600
used by customers of the service
(e) for every additional 100 mobile $1,800
stations or less used by customers of
the service
(f) for every 1 kHz of spectrum $50
assigned to the licensee
2. For the purpose of determining the fees payable, the number of stations and
the width of the spectrum assigned shall be those authorized or in service at
the time when the licence is issued or on the anniversary of the issue.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $1,500 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $300 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $80 shall be payable for each transmitting apparatus on the issue or
renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid for two years and shall expire on the first day of the
month next following the month in which it was issued and in the second year
following the year in which it was issued. Subject to the discretion of the
Authority, the licence may be renewed for a period of two years at a time.
1. An annual fixed fee of $750 shall be payable on the issue or on
anniversary of the issue of the licence in each year while the licence
remains in force.
2. An annual variable fee of $600 shall be payable for every 100 outlet points
or part thereof on the issue or on anniversary of the issue of the licence in
each year while the licence remains in force.
3. For the purpose of determining the fees payable under paragraph 2, the
number of outlet points shall be those functioning at the time when the
licence is issued or on anniversary of the issue of the licence in each year
while the licence remains in force.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
1. A fee of $750 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
2. If the telecommunications system includes one or more earth stations, the
following additional fees, calculated according to the type of earth station,
shall be payable on the grant of the licence
(a) a fee of $6,000 for a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) earth
station that requires radio frequency co-ordination by the Authority;
(b) a fee of $5,000 for a VSAT earth station that does not require radio
frequency co-ordination by the Authority;
(c) a fee of $17,000 for an earth station, other than a VSAT earth station,
that requires radio frequency co-ordination by the Authority;
(d) a fee of $11,000 for an earth station, other than a VSAT earth station,
that does not require radio frequency co-ordination by the Authority,
and, for the purposes of this paragraph
"earth station" (地球站) means a station located on the surface of the earth
and intended for communication with one or more satellites;
"radio frequency co-ordination" ( 調 ) means radio frequency
co-ordination as described in Article 11 of the Radio Regulations issued by
the International Telecommunication Union;
"VSAT" (小型衛星通訊地球站) means an earth station with an antenna
diameter of less than 4 metres (or having the equivalent surface area if not
circular in shape).
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid for two years and shall expire on the first day of the
month next following the month in which it was issued and in the second
year following the year in which it was issued. Subject to the discretion of
the Authority, the licence may be renewed for a period of two years at a time.
1. Fixed Fee
A fee of
$25,000 per annum where provision of Class 1 and/or Class 2
service(s) is/are authorised under the licence;
subject to paragraphs 1(d) and (e), $1,500 per biennium for each of
the following types of Class 3 services authorised under the licence:
External Telecommunications Services;
International Value-Added Network Services (with or without
Internet Access Services);
Private Payphone Services;
Security and Fire Alarm Signals Transmission Services; or
Teleconferencing Services;
subject to paragraph 1(d), $750 per annum for each of the following
types of Class 3 services authorised under the licence:
Mobile Communications Services on board an Aircraft;
Mobile Virtual Network Operator Services; or
Public Radio Communications Relay Services;
$25,000 per annum where a combination of one or both of Class 1
and Class 2 services and any one or more of Class 3 services are
authorised under the licence; or
$750 per annum for each type of Class 3 services, where a
combination of any one or more of the “Class 3 services”
mentioned in (b) above and any one or more of the “Class 3
services” mentioned in (c) above are authorised under the licence;
shall be payable on or before (i) the issue of the licence, (ii) the first day
of the month next following the month in which the licence was issued
and in the year next following the year in which the licence was issued
(except for the fixed fee of $1,500 per biennium under paragraph 1(b)),
(iii) the renewal of the licence, or (iv) anniversary of the renewal of the
licence while the licence remains in force (except for the fixed fee of
$1,500 per biennium under paragraph 1(b)), as applicable.
Where there is any expansion in scope of service authorised under the
licence during the validity period of the licence, a pro-rata fee of
paragraph 1 (a), (b), (c), (d), or (e) as determined by the Authority in
respect of the additional service authorised for the remaining validity
period of the licence shall be payable at the time when the expansion in
scope of service is made to the licence.
2. Annual Variable Fees
The annual variable licence fees payable on or before (i) the issue of the
licence, (ii) the first day of the month next following the month in
which the licence was issued and in the year next following the year in
which the licence was issued, (iii) the renewal of the licence, or (iv)
anniversary of the renewal of the licence while the licence remains in
force shall be the sum of the following, as applicable:
(a) Subscriber Number Fee
A fee of $3 for each subscriber number (“number fee”) allocated or
assigned to the licensee. A subscriber number is a number in the
Numbering Plan of Hong Kong within the numbering blocks
allocated by the Authority to a licensee, which number may be
assigned by the licensee to its customer for use of a
telecommunications service. The number fee shall be payable as
(I) the number fee shall be payable (i) for each subscriber
number allocated to the licensee that is not ported out from
the licensee’s system or re-allocated or assigned, as
authorised by the Authority, to another licensee (who has
made payment of the licence fee for such number under its
licence) and (ii) for each subscriber number allocated to
another licensee that is ported in to the licensee’s system or
re-allocated or assigned, as authorised by the Authority, by
another licensee to the licensee;
(II) in addition to (I), where a subscriber number allocated to
another licensee is re-allocated or assigned, as authorised by
the Authority, to the licensee during the validity period of the
licence, a pro-rata number fee shall be applicable and payable
at the time of the re-allocation or assignment,
provided that the number fee does not apply to numbers used (if any)
for the provision of the following types of services:
External Telecommunications Services;
International Value-Added Network Services;
Private Payphone Services;
Public Radio Communications Relay Services
Security and Fire Alarm Signals Transmission Services;
Teleconferencing Services; and
any other service designated by the Authority as not subject to
number fee.
(b) When apparatus for radiocommunications is possessed, used,
established or maintained for the purposes of the services provided,
the following additional fees shall be payable -
a fee of $500 for each 100 mobile stations or less used by
customers of the service;
a fee for every base or fixed station (hereafter referred to as
“base station”) as follows:
For the 1
to the 50
base station installed for the service:
$1,000 per base station
For the 51
to the 100
base station installed for the
$500 per base station
For the 101
base station installed for the service and any
additional base stations:
$100 per base station; and/or
a fee of $200 for each 100 Wireless Internet of Things (“WIoT”)
device or less used by customers of the service.
Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 services have the meanings prescribed in Special
Condition 15 of the licence. “Another licensee” means holder of another
licence who may or may not be the same entity as the licensee.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid from the first day of the month in which it is issued
and shall, subject to the conditions thereof, be valid for a period of 24 months
thereafter. Subject to the discretion of the Authority, the licence may be
renewed for a period of two years at a time.
A fee of $300 shall be payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence is valid for one year from the day on which it is issued, and, subject
to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a period of one year at a
1. The fees payable on the issue or renewal of the licence shall be the sum of:
(a) for the 1
to the 50
base station $1,000 per base station
installed for the service
(b) for the 51
to the 100
base station $500 per base station
installed for the service
(c) for the 101
base station installed for $100 per base station
the service and any additional base
(d) for the 1
200 mobile stations or less $3,600
used by customers of the service
(e) for every additional 100 mobile $1,800
stations or less used by customers of
the service
(f) for every 1 kHz of spectrum $50
assigned to the licensee
2. For the purpose of determining the fees payable, the number of stations and
the width of the spectrum assigned shall be those authorized or in service at
the time when the licence is issued or on renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid until the first day, in the year next following the year
in which it was issued, of the month next following the month in which it was
issued and, subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be renewed for a
period of one year at a time.
A fee of $150 for every 1 MHz of spectrum assigned to the licensee shall be
payable on the issue or renewal of the licence.
Period of Validity
The licence shall be valid for five years from the day on which it is issued, and,
subject to the discretion of the Authority, may be extended for a further period
of up to five years.
The annual licence fee payable on the issue and on anniversary of the issue of
the licence in each year while the licence remains in force shall be the sum of:
1. Fixed Fee
A fee of $100,000
2. Base Station Fee
(a) For the 1
to the 50
base station installed for the service:
$1,000 per base station
(b) For the 51
to the 100
base station installed for the service:
$500 per base station
(c) For the 101
base station installed for the service and any additional
base stations:
$100 per base station
3. Wireless Internet of Things (“WIoT”) Device Fee
A fee of $200 for each 100 WIoT devices or less used by customers of the
28 March 2024