Informatics in Education, 2020, Vol. 19, No. 1, 77–112
© 2020 Vilnius University
DOI: 10.15388/infedu.2020.05
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis
of Ant Adaptation
Northwestern University
e-mail: [email protected]u, {michael-horn, uri}
Received: October 2019
Abstract. This paper introduces constructivist dialogue mapping (CDM), a new type of concept
mapping. CDM encodes what people learn during a non-goal directed learning activity. CDM is
a practical means to outline the mini theories users uidly construct as they explore open-ended
learning environments. To demonstrate the method, in this paper we use CDM to track how two
modelers elaborate understandings during use of a constructionist learning game, Ant Adaptation.
Using the method, we show how two users contest and construct their idea of self-organization
in ant colonies. The method is rooted in constructionism, constructivism, concept mapping, and
conceptual change.
Keywords: keyword, constructivism, constructionism, evaluation, qualitative methods, complex-
ity research, agent-based models, concept mapping, conceptual change.
To study open learning activities in a museum, we created a method to encode group
learning, through participant dialogue. The approach builds on Piaget’s method of clini-
cal interviews, which studied how people talk, and how their speech references the
mental models they are using (Piaget, 1926; 1929; 1952). We extended that approach
to pictorially represent how people understand complexity. The method creates hierar-
chical concept maps, we call constructivist dialogue maps, of what people say with a
focus on the temporality of when they advance new ideas. The method highlights the
possibility that concepts are not stable. The approach, constructivist dialogue mapping
(CDM), was innovated to study open-ended, constructionist (Papert, 1986; Papert &
Harel, 1991) learning activity in a museum (Martin, 2018; Martin, Horn & Wilensky,
2018; 2019). The approach was developed because of a weakness in evaluation meth-
odologies of open-ended environments (Ochoa & Worsley, 2016). We argue that a form
of deep learning with complex systems models can be documented by using our verbal
interactive tool: constructivist dialogue mapping. This tool was developed from con-
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
structivist and conceptual change theory. In this paper, we rst introduce constructiv-
ism, and our denition of concepts. Then, we differentiate CDM from similar methods
including concept mapping more broadly, as well as semantic mapping, dialogue, and
narrative mapping particularly and provide pictorial examples of those methods. From
that point, we narrate how museum studies focus on elaboration to track learning (Lein-
hardt and Crowley, 1998). In the methods and results sections, we show how CDM can
be used to follow how users elaborate their ideas. Then, we will discuss next steps in the
process of automating the approach in the discussion section. Finally, we argue CDM
allows us to show how it can be used to track theory development during learning in
groups, with a computer, and with a facilitator. To begin the discussion, we turn to the
theory that underpins each of these visualization methods, constructivism.
Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who focused on the development of the child’s under-
standing. He presented a notion of knowledge that is constructed. For example, he found
that young children, below 3 months old, could not remember where an object was. He
would hold his watch on a chain in front of the child, and slowly drag the watch out of
sight. When his children were young, they had no “object permanence”, and so, when
the watch came back, they were surprised, but as they aged he found they could track
objects. He concludes that humans “distinguish between these changes of position and
changes of state and thus contrast at every moment the thing as it is with the thing as it
appears to our sight; again, this dual distinction leads to the permanence characteristic
of the object concept” (Piaget, 1952, p. 7). In other words, as the child develops, she
becomes able to construct a notion of an object. The list of all objects a child has con-
structed in this way is her ontology. As a result, knowledge is constructed and a child
builds her ontology through action in the world.
To elaborate, consider if the child grew up in a gas cloud in some remote universe.
At rst, the twirling nebular shapes would appear to have no order, and she would have
no ontology for them. Therefore, when a particular eddy returned to the developing
child’s perception, she would not attach to it any particular permanence because the
learner would not have conserved its continuous change into an identied concept. As
the learner lived there longer, however, Piagets theory predicts she would combine the
gas cloud eddies into predictable movements based on experience to create concepts
of gas cloud objects through the process of assimilation and accommodation.
One interesting experiment that should be done on this theory is about whether it is that children construct
the idea of permanence, or whether it is that they construct the idea of time. That is, at rst they experience
all time simultaneously and so the object for them is technically in both places, all places, but through
experience come to see the object rst as here and then there, or in other words in linear time. Basically,
do children, only through experience, constructs linear time? This question would have implications for
physics, because some of the issues with the unied theory of the universe can be resolved by dropping the
notion of time from the equations. According the Julian Barber: “If you try to get your hands-on time, it’s
always slipping through your ngers people are sure time is there, but they can’t get hold of it. My feeling
is that they can’t get hold of it because it isn’t there at all” (Franks, 2011).
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
process would be conservation: seeing an object in spite of its changing features, or
ever-changing atomic arrangement as a continuation of its prior existence.
In this way,
all matter is more or less variant, but the child can construct an invariant version out
of this directionless, senseless mass, to form a theoretical frame. With this frame, the
child can operate on their constructed ontology to make predictions and take action.
This is like a biker, who sees a group of people walking, and can bike past them very
closely because she can assume they will continue to move the way she has observed
them up to now. This prediction of the pedestrians’ operation is prone to error, but as a
working hypothesis for riding a bike, is close enough. As a result, concepts are uid.
While there are several perspectives on what a concept is, we take a physicalist theory
of mind: a concept is a mental representation the brain employs to mark a class of
things, like a nebular swirl or ock of pedestrians, in our world. Concepts are mental
representations that allow us to draw appropriate inferences about the type of entities
we encounter in our everyday lives (Murphy, 2004). Murphy argues concepts make
sense of our lived experience: “Concepts are the glue that holds our mental world to-
gether. When we walk into a room, try a new restaurant, go to the supermarket to buy
groceries, meet a doctor, or read a story, we must rely on our concepts of the world to
help us understand what is happening. We seldom eat the same tomato twice, and we
often encounter novel objects, people and situations. Fortunately, even novel things are
usually similar to things we already know, often exemplifying a category that we are
familiar with” (Murphy, 2004, p. 1). Thus concepts let us see the changing world as
consistent, and predictable.
Children construct conceptions. Adults do too. These conceptions have several uses,
such as that they can be placed in categories, that aid learners to make inferences. For
example, 4- to 7-year-old dinosaur acionados can generate many appropriate infer-
ences about an unfamiliar dinosaur after they categorize it on the basis of surface, and
taxonomic features (Chi & Koeske, 1983; Gobbo & Chi, 1986). This categorization al-
lows people to theorize about missing information in a theory (Chi, 2008).
For instance, in Fig. 1 a scientic illustration of Hadrosaurus shows a head. However,
there is no fossil record of Hadrosaurus heads. The artists have to extrapolate, deduce, or
imagine based on other hadrosaurids. The concept artists construct through experience
allows them to infer or deduce the missing information.
When learning from an agent based model, this could be described as learning an agents’ operators, or
One interesting possibility for constant construction and reconstruction of knowledge is the possibility
that there is no memory. In other words, like the original Macintosh, there is no onboard memory, instead
knowledge is always reconstructed from the assimilation, or of imposing one’s order on the world in the
context at hand. One’s order then would have to be maintained, but no need for memory, perhaps. This
possibility becomes particularly interesting in light of Ackermann (1996) that due to the 3D reconguration
task required for perspective taking, that some views are harder to reconstruct than others (p. 6).
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
Categorization is a crucial use of concepts in a physicalist view. We identify and
assign concepts to the category to which it belongs through categorization (Chi, 2008).
Once a concept is categorized it can inherit from where we assign the knowledge. For
instance, as long as we know that ants are insects and insects lay eggs, we can infer
that ants lay eggs even if we were never told that fact. When a student knows an ant is
a kind of insect, she can infer that ants inherit the properties of insects. Categorization
of concepts through assignment is powerful because a student can use knowledge of the
category to make many inferences and attributions about a novel concept/phenomenon
(Medin & Rips, 2005).
From Aristotle to the 1970s, philosophers argued that concepts have a denitional
structure. Concepts dened this way have a list of features, that are both necessary and
sufcient to determine membership into a class, i.e., a bachelor is an unmarried man.
There are several challenges to this view. For our current project, the biggest challenges
are that categories can be “fuzzy”, and that there is no psychological evidence for hu-
mans using concepts as strict denitions (see Laurence & Margolis, 1999 for a complete
Fig. 1. People form concepts about organisms. They learn the parts of the organism, its
functions, and properties, such as color or size. Based on what they know about similar
organisms they infer other unknown parts. (Right) Hadrosaurus interpretation. (Left) Al-
losaurus with taxonomic identication Hadrosaurus and Allosaurus drawn by Francisco
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
accounting of the challenges). Despite this challenge, however, categories remain very
useful heuristics for interaction in the world, letting us ll in the missing head of hadro-
saurids, and the pedestrian movement for bike riding, among many other daily tasks.
Piagetian Clinical Interviews
How are concepts formed? In our constructivist view, concepts are conserved ontologi-
cal entities a person builds through action in the world (Piaget, 1952). So, how do we
identify concepts that people hold? Piaget invented a method, the clinical interview, an
approach to documenting an open-ended conversation designed to illuminate the way a
child thinks or explains particular phenomenon. Even though Piaget widely employed
the clinical interview to examine how children construct their knowledge, there is sur-
prisingly little discussion of the method in his work (Posner & Gertzog, 1982). Piaget
elaborated on his data collection method most in the introduction to The Child’s Con-
ception of the World (1929), and also in the preface to The Language and Thought of
the Child (1926). His method of analysis of the development of cognitive constructions
involved observing children as they reason about unusual phenomena that he presented
in designed settings. The method involved the following four steps:
Design an activity. (1)
Let the child talk. (2)
Notice the manner in which the thoughts unfold. (3)
Do not just notice the answers the child gives to questions posed, but also follow (4)
the child’s line of thought.
Piaget argued that “If we follow up each of the childs answers, and then, allowing
him to take the lead, induce him to talk more and more freely, we shall gradually estab-
lish for every department of intelligence a method of clinical analysis analogous to that
which has been adopted by psychiatrists as a means of diagnosis.” (emphasis added,
Piaget, p. 276 as in Claparéde’s preface to Piaget, 1926). This approach is a useful way
to follow children’s understanding of the world; it focuses on the knowledge, or mental
models, children construct during an activity. This process is the process of theory de-
Theory Development
Theory development is the idea that students mental models are built out of theories of
how the world works, the sum of lessons learned from thinking that builds knowledge.
DiSessa and Cobb (2004) argue that from Newton, to Einstein, and Darwin, theories
embody generalizations to organize overly abundant data that is subsequently viewed as
part of a new theory. In this way, diSessa and Cobb (2004) posit theory as a lens, “teach-
ing us how to see(p. 4). How we see the world, is the crucial part of these theories
since the lenses constructed through experience take actual form. Just as [t]he world
is not just sitting out there waiting to be to be uncovered, but gets progressively shaped
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
and transformed through the child’s, or the scientist’s, personal experience” (Acker-
mann, 2001), constructivist thought highlights transformation and molding as the work
of mental models. These models can form into more stable theories. This transformation
happens through conceptual change which we turn to next.
Conceptual Change
There are at least three circumstances under which a person can learn (Chi, 2008). First,
they have no prior knowledge, so they add missing knowledge. Second, the person may
have incomplete, but correct knowledge so the learner is lling the gap. Third, the stu-
dent may need to amend prior knowledge. In this third case we refer to the process of
knowledge acquisition as conceptual change (Chi, 2008). Students undergo conceptual
change when they perceive a mismatch between previously constructed knowledge and
novel experience (Chi, 2008; Posner, Strike, Hewson & Gertzog, 1982). When the learn-
er experiences contradiction, he/she can reconstruct knowledge structures to account for
the novel experience. If the context of learning is aligned with conical scientic knowl-
edge, the resulting structure will more closely resemble scientic knowledge (Chi, 2008;
Posner et al, 1982).
There is a connection between observation, contextual knowledge construction,
and stable theories. These states convert from each other through conceptual change.
When a learner modies their knowledge, the knowledge-in-pieces framework (KiP)
indicates construction happens incrementally over time (sometimes years) (diSessa,
2018). The learner has subtle knowledge infrastructure, that yield conceptual under-
standing through knowledge structure synthesis. These knowledge structures only exist
in context, not as stable structures (Hammer, 1996). Instead context activates specic
cognitive building blocks known as phenomenological primitives (p-prims) (diSessa,
1993). These structures can re differently depending on context, so what may appear
as a misconception, may result from a re-ordering of p-prims from different contexts.
KiP indicates that instruction should activate p-prims in the context in which the in-
structors intends knowledge to be used. Even though knowledge structures are not
stable and they operate at different scales (Duit, Treagust, & Widodo, 2008), some
emerge and reinforce to become large, broad, stable knowledge structures stored in
memory, like a bikers understanding of pedestrian movement. We call these theories
(Darner, 2019). Theories are cohesive mental models that explain causal relationships
between several different contexts or phenomena. Our work attempts to track this
messy, context dependent path through a type of concept mapping called constructivist
dialogue mapping (CDM).
We developed CDM to study learning in an informal environment based on con-
structivist theory. In constructivist theory, a learners mental model drives his or her
construction of understanding and internal cognitive structures. This process includes
accommodation and assimilation (Piaget, 1952), maintaining a balance between stabil-
ity and change, continuity and diversity, and closure and openness (Ackermann, 2001)
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
when exploring the world. For Piaget, children are not just incomplete adults (1952).
Their ideas function very well for their current context and as a result, their mind chang-
es through experience. Even though knowledge is contextually bound, so are actions
and habits. As Ackermann (2001) said, children’s conceptual changes are like those of
scientists: they happen through “action-in-the-world” (p. 3) to accommodate for experi-
ences, and most likely through a host of internal cognitive infrastructures. “Knowledge
is not merely a commodity to be transmitted, encoded, retained, and re-applied, but a
personal experience to be constructed” (Ackermann, 2001, p. 7). Thus, with CDM we
hope to track these changes as elaborations of ontologies, as they happen, during knowl-
edge construction to facilitate the study of learning. An example of this sort of learning
environment can be found in constructionist microworlds (Edwards, 1995; Papert 1980),
or constructionist video games (Holbert & Wilensky, 2019) where the learning is inter-
woven into the gameplay.
Elaboration as Learning in Museum Studies
In Museum Learning as Conversational Elaboration: A Proposal to Capture, Code,
and Analyze Talk in Museums, Leinhardt and Crowley propose means to study how
learning actually occurs in museums (1998). Their work in museum learning motivates
their attempt to solve a core issue: lack of theoretical coherence in the museum learning
research. They suggest three problems: rst, a need for a learning denition; second,
the “univariate” issue where researchers attach a particular indicator, like terms, to a
single factor, such as age; third, the museum diversity problem, where research does
not span the different types of museums; and nally, the division between quantitative
and qualitative research methodologies. From these problems, the authors propose three
outcomes, the last of which is important for constructivist dialogue mapping. They argue
that their approach will provide a novel, stable, and disseminable methodology to con-
ceptualize, collect, and analyze conversations as a process and as an outcome of learning
in the museum context.
After introducing the problems and outlining them, Leinhardt and Crowley (1998)
describe a pragmatic approach to study learning in museums: dene learning as Con-
versational Elaboration. For their pragmatic approach and operational denition of
learning they chose how visitors elaborate conversations. They focus on conversational
elaboration because it is a naturally occurring part of the museum experience while also
being a product of the experience.
By elaborations they mean a particular kind of talk that occurs within a group. Con-
versation is important because it reects the “inter-twining of social with cultural pro-
cesses(White, 1995, p.1). Sociocultural theories of voicing (Rogoff, 1990; Wertsch,
1997) emphasize that inter-twining of voices (in the Bakhtinian sense) is the primary
activity through which knowledge is constructed and appropriated across people. In this
paper we take this process of studying learning as conversational elaboration, and then
use concept mapping to study how these elaborations occur. Next we introduce the dif-
ferent types of concept mapping.
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
Concept Mapping
A concept map is a diagram that depicts relationships between concepts. It is a graphical
tool that instructional designers, engineers, technical writers, and others use to organize
and structure knowledge. In their overview of qualitative methodology, Miles, Huber-
man and Saldana (2014) describe concept mapping as useful for qualitative methods.
Joseph Novak invented concept maps to assist learners (1983). This theory was based
in the philosophical and epistemological origins of Conant (1947), Kuhn (1962), and
Toulmin (1972). Concept mapping is a process that focuses on a construct of interest or
a topic. The process generates input from one or more participants. As shown in Fig. 2,
from it the participant or a researcher produces an interpretable pictorial view (concept
map) of their ideas, concepts, and how these are interrelated.
These maps are usually organized hierarchically, and can have the links between
them labelled, or not. They can also be organized in other shapes, such as a radiating
pattern. There have been varied uses of concept mapping in education over the years.
Novak and coauthors’ method was used to bring concept mapping into students hands
to better understand science content. This work used concept mapping to improve stu-
dent learning. Trochim (1989) used concept mapping to guide action in planning and
evaluation. Novak (1990) and Kinchin (2014) reconceptualized concept mapping as an
educational tool through a wider literature on curriculum development. Jackson and
Trochim used concept mapping for analysis of open-ended survey responses, an alter-
native method to existing code-based and word-based text analysis techniques (2002).
There have been many types of concept mapping, including: mind maps, many forms
of note-taking, such as Cornell notes, the presentation software Prezi, and repertory
grids. Following in this tradition, constructivist dialogue mapping is a type of concept
Fig. 2. From Novak, 1983, and example of concept mapping of the concept of animals,
differentiating between animals with and without internal skeletal systems.
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
mapping meant to track the temporality of when people have ideas during an interven-
tion or interview, and how those ideas elaborate over time. There are several other types
of concept mapping that are closely related, which we will introduce next, including
semantic, dialogue and narrative maps.
Semantic Mapping
Semantic mapping is the study regarding the conceptual knowledge, where concepts are
represented as a semantic mapping of nodes and their related properties in a network
of nodes and links (Anderson, 1976; Collins & Loftus,1975; Collins & Quillian, 1969;
Norman & Rumelhart, 1975). As shown in Fig. 3, Attributes of the network structure are
assessed by the number of links between nodes, the strength of linkages, and the cohe- linkages, and the cohe-linkages, and the cohe-
siveness of the entire collection of concept nodes in semantic memory.
Chi, Hutchinson, and Robin used semantic mapping to represent children’s concep-
tions of dinosaur knowledge (1989). For Chi et al., semantic mapping is the structure
of the conceptual knowledge. It is the study of the properties of a representation in a
static state. It concerns what a representation is composed of (nodes), how the nodes in
the representation are clustered and related to each other, and the cohesiveness of the
structure. However, it is not about representational comparison between an adult and a
Fig. 3. Adapted from Collins and Loftus (1975), an example of
a semantic map of stereotypical map of human memory.
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
child, who are believed to have different representations. Likewise, comparison between
students of different ages may also be suspect. These hierarchies can be useful when
learners employ them to perform categorical reasoning. Categorical reasoning can allow
learners to infer that a particular kind of robin, can lay eggs, if they only know that birds
lay eggs, because robins are a type of bird (Chi, 2008).
Dialogue and Narrative Mapping
Concept mapping is related to narrative mapping. Veterans in a social situation, like
Alcoholics Anonymous, often use narrative maps to orient, inform and advise newcom-
ers (Pollner & Stein, 1996). Pollner and Stein describe narrative maps as having several
impacts, including:
Affecting recruitment into a social sphere through improving the attractiveness (1)
of a situation.
Contributing to socialization and social reproduction by transmitting values. (2)
Shaping action by changing probable activities in an area. (3)
In this way, narrative mapping is part of a process where a social world is talked into
being constituted. In other words, narrative mapping is both part of representing a social
world, and part of the process of reproducing that social world. Narrative mapping is
used to share cultural world resources from current members to new members through a
systematic, pictorial representation.
Concept mapping is also related to dialogue mapping. Dialogue maps can provide
a visual tool to promote shared understanding between novice (students) and expert
Fig. 4. Adapted from Pollner and Stein (1996) Example of a Narrative Map
about Constructivist Dialogue Mapping.
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
(teachers) to increase meaningful learning in biology education (Kinchin, 2003). Dia-
logue mapping can represent and scaffold students’ argumentation (Okada & Shum,
2008). The work to improve student argumentation with dialogue mapping has been
assisted by Compendium, a dialogue mapping software (Okada, 2008).
Uniqueness and Differences of the CDM Coding Method
Constructivist dialogue mapping is a means of producing a pictorial representation of
knowledge, but instead of trying to use the representation to improve student learning,
it is used to track the instability of knowledge as students learn and associate those
changes with learning interventions. We use it to represent players’ knowledge states at
different times as they develop. CDM is developed to show what learners believe exists
(i.e. their ontologies) as they come to understand a complex system modeling game.
We believe this method is useful in representing learning in systems where participants
elaborate their understandings in interaction with each other, teachers, and technology
to form new theories to account for novel experiences. While this method is particularly
useful in studying non-goal directed, constructionist learning where it is difcult to
write summative tests, because the learning is not goal directed constructivist dialogue
mapping can be useful for evaluating other learning activities.
The dearth of evaluation methodology for constructionist, open-ended learning envi-
ronments (Ochoa, Worsley, 2016) motivated our design of CDM. The lack of evaluation
can be easily explained by the lack of a learning trace; whereas computer-aided learning
systems, if designed for it or not, provide ample data of how the user interacts with the
environment. Open-ended people-to-people interactions provide far less data. Because
we want to know how participants structure the knowledge they learn in these environ-
ments, we developed CDM using constructivist theory, namely – following ideas as they
appear, are contested, and uidly change, based in a knowledge construction view.
Theory: Studying Learning in Informal Learning
through Constructivist Dialogue Mapping
This theory led us to construct a methodological innovation that is useful for the inter-
actions typical of constructionist learning environments. With CDM we track the con-
struction of conserved concepts through the available proxy of change and elaboration
of speech. We built on concept maps, methods as they emerged through transcript data
focusing on the moment to moment manifestations of ideas. The method is differentiated
from age specic representations as semantic maps have been. We do not attempt to use
the maps to improve student learning of the connections between material as much of the
concept mapping has. Instead, we attempt to track learners moment to moment manifes-
tation of conceptions as they construct them into less variable forms. At this level, these
maps represent how a players speech references the ontological entities they are form-
ing or have formed. We captured these ideas of the understanding players demonstrate
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
during play in a hierarchical map. We present concept maps of players elaborating their
ideas about agents through observation and interaction that accounts for the changing
nature of ideas through activity. Maps visually depict the ideas players share through
what they say and how they interact with the game.
We argue that we can research what people conserve (that is, learn through accom-
modation demonstrated by what they say) by lling in a map with what people say and
do during play. Constructivist dialogue mapping allows us to track how people’s words
and actions indicate learning through short play periods. The more we time stamp when
new concepts arise and change through talk, the closer we can track the messy contesta-
tion that develops new ontological entities and modies existing ones. However, these
maps, are only a proxy, built from the externally observable action of speech. In this
paper, we use transcript data, but the observable data could include log les of their
actions, or gestures that describe actions or entities. Importantly, we do not have direct
connection to the internal cognitive infrastructure. In other words, the maps are a method
to pay close attention to a participant’s words, a naturally occurring feature of museum
play, while keeping an eye on what it says about her ontology.
The advantage of this approach is we can present the smallest parts of what we ob-
serve. For instance, we can note when users rst identify an unknown activity, such as
“purple line” and then how they build out an understanding of the subprocesses of that
task such as “attracts ants” or “fades away.” As a result, we read the transcript word by
word to see how users construct such operational knowledge on the representations they
see. CDM demonstrates learning as concept elaboration over time through the proxy of
changes in speech. We will explain the implementation of CDM analysis in the methods
section below. First, we will explain our research questions. Then, following Piaget’s
method, we will explain the design of our unusual activity we used to understand how
people come to understand complexity.
Research Questions
In this paper we use CDM to explore how users make sense of the self-organization
of cooperation between ant colonies in competition with each other while they use an
agent-based model built in NetLogo (Wilensky, 1999).
We researched how users build knowledge when using the model of ant colony life
(Martin & Wilensky, 2019; Martin, Horn, & Wilensky, 2019). We were particularly in-
terested in how visitors made sense of the behavior of individual ants in the simulation
to in turn reason about aggregate-level outcomes of groups of ants.
Specically, we asked the following questions:
How can we capture visitors’ moment to moment sense-making while exploring 1.
complex systems notions such as emergence?
Can we see evidence that new knowledge structures emerge through game play? 2.
How do these knowledge structures shift over time, or remain stable emerg-a.
ing as theories explaining the context?
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
Design: Agent Based Modeling Game for a Museum
To show the environment we evaluated with CDM, we will describe our model/game
and discuss the design decisions we took as a result of implementing in the museum.
The Game: Ant Adaptation, Agent-Based Modeling in Museums
Ant Adaption (Martin & Wilensky, 2019), the game we use to demonstrate CDM, has
been used in studies on schema formation (Martin, Horn & Wilensky, 2019), and the
connection between affect and cognition (Martin, Wang, Bain & Worsley, 2019). In this
paper we used it to collect data and use CDM to analyze that data to demonstrate con-
structivist dialogue mapping. In order to provide context for our analysis, we describe
the game below.
In the game we created, Ant Adaptation, there is a fully functioning agent-based
model underneath. Ants go out to collect food and return to the nest. As they return to
the nest, ants lay down a pink pheromone that attracts others nearby. Other ants walk
toward the strongest chemical smell, which in most cases is where the rst ant just
passed. When ants nd a ower, their food source, they return, lay down a pheromone
trail, and thus construct and reinforce pink trails. This creates an emergent feedback loop
that routes more and more ants to successful sites of forage. As the ants exhaust a food
source, they must nd new locations, and thus repeat a cycle. When two or more ants of
opposing colonies encounter each other, they ght or scare each other away, also leaving
chemicals that attract more ants. For the winner, this works to protect the food source
from competing colonies. The ant queen reproduces when the ants in her colony collect
enough food. The player interacts with this complex system by adding pheromone trails
that the ants follow, as well as adding sources of food to the system, thus changing the
amount and distribution of food in the game. Through interacting with the system, stu-
dents form a functional understanding of the ants and their mechanisms of action (i.e.
agents and their rules) in the model.
This design scaffolds experimentation. Players must simultaneously make choices.
As shown in Fig. 5D, players can touch the screen to add pheromone the ants will fol-
low. At the ick of a switch, they can add more owers anywhere they like in the game.
Lastly, they can choose to apply vinegar, which erases trails. Erasing trails was used by
some game players (like Thomas discussed below) to get ants out of a feedback loop
that was leading them nowhere (a local optima). For players to achieve their goals in the
competitive environment, they need to understand the emergent consequences of simple
ant behavior.
Players can decide how big and aggressive ants are. When the size of ants increases,
they become slightly faster and stronger in a ght. Each increase in size/level adds up.
At the highest levels, the ants are thirteen times stronger. When players make their ants
more aggressive, it increases the radius in which ants detect opposing ants and thus the
probability that they will attack. Increasing either the size or the aggressiveness also
increases how much food is required to raise an ant, so the largest ant requires thirteen
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
times as much food to feed to adulthood. This gamication impacts how much food ants
must collect to make a new baby ant. Increases in either of these parameters reduces
the expected population of the colony, though it increases their likelihood of ghting
and winning through emergent interactions of parameters (size and aggressiveness) and
agent actions (collecting food, leaving trails, and ghting).
This sets up the main action of the game as a series of strategic choices: to de-
cide whether to passively collect food, thereby increasing the population, or, to go on
the warpath where big, aggressive ants conquer their opponents. Either method of play
could lead to high populations or the elimination of the opponent through better control
of food resources. After learning about the consequences of strategic choices through
gameplay, players strategize by increasing ants’ size, aggressiveness, or both. This might
lead them to win the game by annihilating the other group’s ant colony. However, bigger
and/or more aggressive ants consume more food to reproduce, and potentially reduce
the colony’s population size. Thus, a player might strategize by adding more owers and
pheromone tracks around the colony to help the larger ants survive. This learning and
strategy cycle interweaves the learning into the gameplay.
We built the game to be engaging while using the literature of designing digital
interactives for museums to have four affordances and two objectives (Martin, Horn,
and Wilensky, 2019). The game has four affordances that support two learning objec-
Fig. 5. John selects to add chemical (A) experiments with the touch user interface (B-C)
and then lays down his rst pheromone trail (D).
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
tives. In Ant Adaptation, playing with parameters allows the player to (1) construct their
colony in competition with an opponent, (2) share strategies through comparison, (3)
discuss what is happening through observer scaffolding such as parents’ intervention, or
interaction between players, including taunts, and (4) learn about the emergent impacts
of colony behavior arising from individual ant behavior in a complex system game. This
approach allows visitors to learn (1) the impacts of adaptation on ant colony life, and (2)
how attractants such as pheromones work in ants’ self-organization.
Method: Constructivist Dialogue Mapping
CDM presents learning as concept elaboration (Leinhardt & Crowley, 1998) through
transcript analysis. We innovate the method to record the agents, properties and actions
that users notice in two learning environments. We conducted two treatments: (1) 6,
hour-long individual clinical interviews in a lab setting; and (2) 38, approximately 4–20-
minute group interviews in a natural history museum.
Treatment One
In the clinical interviews we conducted a semi-structured interview protocol. This was
administered while people discussed their understanding of Ant Adaption. In treat-
ment one, there were 6 participants (50% White, 16.16% Black, 16.16% Asian, 16.16%
Latinx) being 50% male and 50% female. We recorded audio and video of participants,
transcribed the data from the audio, and analyzed both the media to construct CDMs.
Treatment Two
In the second treatment, participants were sampled over a six-day period, attracting
114 museum visitors in 38 groups (87% White, 4% Black, 5% Asian, 3% Latinx). This
contrasts with the museum-wide attendance demographics of 70% White (difference of
+16.61% points), 5% Black, (difference of -0.54% points) and 14% Latinx (difference of
-11.32% points). Of the players, 60 were male (51.57%) and 54 (48.43%) were female.
Players ranged in age from 2 to 55, with the age distribution skewed to lower ages. The
average length of time people played was 387 seconds, as opposed to a museum-wide
average interaction time with digital interactives of 105 seconds (as reported by internal
museum evaluations). In treatment two, we conducted a pre-post survey, and video and
audio recorded the play. From the audio we transcribed the data, and analyzed both me-
dia to construct CDMs.
Which Changes Are Conceptual Change
Leinhardt and Crowley (1998)’s approach particularly looks at four process that groups
will undertake. If there is learning, after an interaction with an exhibit, a coherent con-
versation group (CCG) will:
Refer to more items.1.
Include greater detail about those items.2.
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
Synthesize elements to elements from their prior knowledge.3.
Increase the level of analysis of the phenomena that they discuss.4.
This approach moves away from focusing on the amount of talk or types of talk
while building a strong foundation between amount, type and the process of learning. As
a result of this review, Leinhardt and Crowley suggest to investigate how conversation
as a socially mediating activity acts as a process and an outcome of museum learning
In the end, the methods of collection and analysis offered by Leinhardt and Crow-
ley, (1998) are interesting, but they are not sufcient. With text capture, and direction
capture we can measure the learning much more fully than Leinhardt and Crowley
Constructing Constructivist Dialogue Mapping
As shown in Fig. 6, CDM tracks the nouns that players mention during play with a sys-
tem (such as ants); the adjectives that modify those nouns, such as “six-legged(6b); and
the verbs players use to describe those nouns’ actions, such as “follows trails” (6d). To
gather the transcripts, that we analyzed for CDM, we applied a mixed methods approach
to the observations (Clampet-Lundquist, Edin, Kling & Duncan, 2011).
We coded the transcripts by reading them. When we read a noun, we added a row
to our matrix. We then recorded the interview session, noting whether this interaction
was during the pre-interview, gameplay, or post-interview, noting who spoke, what
time they spoke, the question being answered, the exact quote of the response, and the
node label we coded the quote as. Finally, we recorded what parent box it modied and
counted the nodes depth in the hierarchy. For example, in Table 1: Kit asks Briana if
she has ever noticed anything about ants. She responds, “They carry fty times their
weight?” As shown in Fig. 6b, we would code this as a two-level deep hierarchy: Level
1-Ants and Level 2-Carry 50X weight.
To answer our second research question – How can we capture visitors’ moment to
moment sense making while exploring complex systems notions such as emergence
we deployed this method to construct maps of ontological entities in the game (i.e.,
agents), their actions, and properties as described by players. The maps were construct-
ed by building a hierarchical map of players’ utterances using the coding method shown
in Fig. 6 and Table 1, before, during, and after play. The coders proceeded through the
transcript utterance by utterance. When an entity was named, such as “ant”, the coder
added a box. When other entities were named such as the property six-leggedor
action carries a lot of weightcoders determined what that concept modied. If, as
in Table 1, they modied antunambiguously, then the coders added a subordinated
box below ant. In our coding during treatment two, we broke the transcript into a pre-
interview, a game play portion, and a post-interview. We analyzed the change in how
players thought about the actions ants take, and the functions of those actions. In Fig. 6,
we would look at how the person describes ants as six-legged (Fig. 6a), six-legged
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
Fig. 6. Constructivist dialogue mapping provides a simple interactive way of mapping
ontological entities, to their functions as demonstrated by players in short interactions.
Table 1
Coding Scheme for Constructivist Dialogue Mapping. Captures where in the interview
knowledge was mentioned, and by who, allowing for analysis of the development of knowl-
edge as it is mentioned
Time Interaction
Speaker Question Quote Node Parent
3 10:23 Pre-
0 Kit “Have You
ever noticed
anything about
Ant 1
3 10:33 Pre-
1 Briana “Have You
ever noticed
anything about
ìAbout ants?
They carry
fty times
their weight?î
times their
Ant 2
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
creatures that carry 50x their weight and follow trails to nd food (Fig. 6d). When these
entities, actions, and properties change over time is our measure of learning during the
In treatment two, we color code change in ontological maps over time so we can
visually compare learning. When we add a box between the rst sample and the second,
we color it red. When we remove a box, either because the visitor has stopped mention-
ing the idea, or has explicitly contradicted themselves, we color the box grey and strike
through the text. When it is not clear if the item was there previously, or if it has gone
away, we leave them blue. We present two times scales of analysis in the results, show-
ing both the micro and macro changes. In treatment one, we analyzed the concepts par-
ticipants put forward as they emerged during the protocol and highlight the conicting
notions participants demonstrate.
The resulting representations have three affordances:
Evaluators can count the number of entities players notice during gameplay. We 1.
can note the number of actions and properties they ascribe to those entities. The
counting proceeds by adding the total number of node depth 1 items, then the total
number of actions, and then properties users ascribe to that entity.
If surveyors sample visitors at more than one point in time, we can track the 2.
changes over time of both the number of entities they notice and the number of
actions and properties players use to describe the agents’ actions and proper-
Researchers can track the conicting and changing nature of knowledge as dem-3.
onstrated through the maps.
In an open-ended environment people learn what is allowed in a system, rather than
memorizing. Therefore, we used mapping instead of measuring change through respons-
es in a more rigid classroom-style questioning.
“In this picture, the participants are active theorizers. They gather new evidence and
devise methods to test their theories. Instead of accepting classications as given, they
see these classications as provisional theories that are constantly reassessed and recon-
structed in light of the dialogue between theory and evidence” (Wilensky & Reisman,
2006, p. 172). We sought to capture how talk changes based on interactions with the
learning environment of Ant Adaptation. We propose that learning is demonstrated by
what students added to their discussions while playing. This elaboration in their discus-
sion is demonstrated by coding their interactions with CDM.
During the activity, users learned about complex systems. We tracked this elaboration
of concepts through CDM. We test CDM in two treatments: (1) in a clinical interview
with Rebecca, where she develops ideas about ants during an hour-long interview, and
(2) with a group of students who played Ant Adaptation in a museum. These samples
were chosen because they demonstrated key aspects of constructivist dialogue map-
ping as a tool.
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
Dialogue Elaboration through Play
First, we present two demonstrative cases of the 44 interviews conducted with a complex
system model of ants (Martin & Wilensky, 2019) to illustrate how we use CDM to study
learning as elaboration.
We coded two people engaged with Ant Adaptation. First, conducted under treat-
ment one, we examined how an Asian woman, Rebecca (all names changed for anonym-
ity), age 28, engaged. Second, we examined a group from treatment two, noting how
Thomas, age 7, engaged in group of three other White youth: Ed, age 12; Mary, age 9;
and Sam, age 6. The ve players presented were more engaged than the average player
of Ant Adaption, along several measures: All of them touched the screen, and smiled
during play (showed their teeth while seperating their lips either with or without audible
laughter), and all worked to maximize their ants’ colony population count (Stating that
they wanted to maximize their population during play). This is in contrast to the wider
sample where 81% (92 people) touched the screen, 43% (49 people) smiled during play,
and 41% (46 people) tried to maximize their colonies’ population during play. As there
was no guidance on the goal of the interaction, it was surprising that so many of the
groups chose maximizing their population of ants as their primary goal. In the open-
ended environment, they could just have easily drawn smiley faces with their ngers or
planted a ower garden. Perhaps this goal was so popular in the museum because of the
competive arrangement of the exhibit. Yet this also occurred in the clinical interviews.
For the clinical interviews (which lacked this arrangement), we are not sure why this
happened. More study is required to investigate this outcome, which will be performed
in the analysis of the remaining groups in future work.
Treatment One, Assimilation of Pheromones:
Constructing a Trail Theory from Watching Digital Ants
Sitting on a couch in a quiet room, with just the interviewer and Rebecca we began the
interview. We started the interview by telling Rebecca we were interested in ants. We
Channel Purple
Fig. 7. Rebecca identies a purple track process that ants do.
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
asked her if she would mind if we recorded her while we asked her some questions.
After consenting to be interviewed we asked about her prior ant knowledge from which
it was clear she had minimal understanding of ants, or ant colonies. We then coded the
interview with CDM to observe moments of cognitive change, or synthesis. This coding
is the beginning of making a little mental machine we can use to dissect with transcript
analysis. The current process produces maps from transcripts, which are useful as sum-
maries, but the exact connection between cognitive change and the maps is still amor-
phous. In other words, we have only just stepped into this nebula, and are still nding
names for what we are seeing.
In this proto state, to demonstrate CDM we present the portions of the interview
where Rebecca constructs an understanding of the pink lines (pheromone trails), what
they do, and how they affect ant colonies in three parts. This construction occurs through
addition of ontological identities, such as trails, and ant queens, and synthesis of com-
peting ideas. Over time, it becomes clear she holds two separate notions of the same
concept, and then merges them. This is an example of concept formation, instability of
concepts, inference from theory, and the conservation of a new ontological entity. This
is also an example of deep learning as she adds functions and properties onto her idea of
ants, and pheromone trails. In the rst minute, she presents her confusion over “purple
lines.” Here she identies an action she observes, but has not yet conserved into a con-
cept she can operate with. At rst she identies a mysterious, unknown object. This is
Rebecca: I’m looking at... I’m looking at the red one in the middle. The red ant.
What are they doing here? What’s that line for?
Interviewer: What do you think?...
Rebecca: This purple line. Look there is another one. Its dropping here. The
red ants are dropping. Hold on, let me put this. What’s that? Is that
channel? Chemical Channel?
Interviewer: What do you mean?
Rebecca: Like when it releases chemical it left it’s a new colony here it left
a purple track. You see just the purple track you see just purple track
disappeared a couple of minutes ago when I ask you and, you asked
me ‘what do I think’. I thought it was just something like a track. A
chemical. Yeah.
Rebecca rst sees a purple line coming out of a red colony in the middle of the screen
and wonders what it is and what is it for. She sees that ants leave it. At this time, Rebec-
ca’s confusion with the purple lines rst comes up. As seen in Fig. 7, this identication
helps her identify a novel process: Chemical channel/purple track” that ants do. She
immediately ties chemicals to the lines but does not seem to put forward why. In other
words, she creates an ontological entity to see the game, but has not added many func-
tions or properties to it yet. She attempts to test her ideas. When we probed her for what
she thinks the track does that is what functions it has she is seeing the connective
property of chemical tracks and then one of the potential impacts of that track. In other
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
words, she starts to hypothesize about the function of the line. This is the beginning of
a conceptual change where she begins to elaborate her understanding through dynamic
interaction with the complex system game. We then wanted to know what she thinks it
does, and so ask her. She suggests it connects ants:
Interviewer: What do you mean by a track or a channel? What’s the channel or the
track do?
Rebecca: It connects these two groups together. This chemical.
Interviewer: Okay. It connects them how?
Rebecca: Look they are connecting. And I guess it’s not a good thing because it
looks like it’s a war.
Interviewer: It’s a what?
Rebecca: It’s a war.
Interviewer: Where’s the war?
Rebecca: Here. [Points at the top right of screen where ants from both colonies
are massing]
Interviewer: How do you guess that?
Rebecca: Oh, there’s no turning back as there’s no turning around that red ants
back there. They are entering into the black ant colony. And the number
of escape, hold on. The reason it is not dropping because there’s owers.
So far. Look they keep going to this black ant colony. And I don’t know
what they’re doing are they trying to steal that food? They are stealing
food. They are stealing food. Come on! [talking to the ants] You have
food here [points at the screen where owers are].
This is an example of elaboration of her concept. After initially realizing she does
not know what the chemical does, through testing she constructs the idea that channels
“connect” ants and sees that this can cause “warof some sort. The war seems to be an
example of prior knowledge about conict. But she also begins conceptualizing war” as
a result of self-organization of ants connected by channels. After answering other ques-
tions, she brought the topic up again, conrming that she had kept thinking about it. She
at rst was confused, but then the interviewer provided her with some declarative knowl-
edge, that pheromones are a type of chemical which connects ants together. She then
takes that information and identies a new function, but does not merge it right away
with her previously constructed idea of chemical channels. Instead she holds to catego-
ries of activities ants do. In other words, she has constructed two models, one to do with
chemicals, and one based on the declarative knowledge provided. About pheromones
she has no reason to think they are the same concept from her previous experiences, as
in the real-world pheromones are invisible, and these purple lines are quite visible. As a
result, she holds two concepts at once:
Rebecca: I’m kind of confused by the purple zone. So, this purple zone is
something like this chemical released?
Interviewer: Why do you think that?
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
Rebecca: So, let’s see. I just created this chemical channel.
Rebecca: If this ower needs to be on this chemical to help. I’m gonna see. It
doesn’t eat them. Go eat them. Why don’t they eat them? It’s weird. It
doesn’t work that way. I should just make circles around the corners,
so they know there are chemicals.
Interviewer: Could you press pause? I have a long question to ask you.
Interviewer: So, E.O Wilson, a big ant researcher, discovered pheromones. He
realized that they are like perfume placed on the ground to mark the
food or when they encounter an enemy to encourage other ants in the
colony to come over and ght with the enemy. After hearing about
Wilson’s ndings how might you adjust your explanation of how these
ants are getting food?
With the probe, we wanted to see what the introduction of declarative knowledge
did to the understanding of the model. At rst, she took the declarative information in,
and made valid predictions based on it. But interestingly, at rst, she did not map this
onto the purple lines she’s been confused by. Instead of conceptual change she held two
concepts at the same time, as shown in Fig. 8.
Rebecca: Well when one ant senses the food around them they will leave this
pheromone to other ants. And so, they can be attracted to this, to the
Interviewer: Ok. So, what in here do you think is the pheromones?
Rebecca: I guess somewhere near this colony. Uhh. No no actually here maybe
Interviewer: Here what?
Rebecca: Here when there is a group of [ants]. There is a huge group of ants.
Interviewer: Ok.
Channel Purple
Group of ants
Sense food
Begin grouping
Attract (to
flowers and each
Sense food?
Turns ground
(more ants)
Groups ants
Attracts ants
(fewer ants)
Spread in the
Carry 50X weight Scavenge
Eat a leaf
Find food on
Animal Instinct
Recieve orders
from queens
Orders through
Make paths
to control Traffic
Smaller ants are
weaker and more
Increases your
likelihood of
getting hurt or
Fig. 8. Rebecca sees two separate processes, Pheromones and Chemical.
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
Rebecca: Does that make sense?
Interviewer: So, you think this this what wouldn’t call it this perfume placed on the
ground. Do you think that’s just where ants are?
Rebecca: Yeah.
Rebecca: Because where there are ants there are pheromones are a way for them
to communicate. If there is somewhere like this [points at blank area]
… this, there’s no ants. How do we know there are pheromones? There
are not ants so there is no pheromone. This is a chemical released
by them. So, I guess that the denser a group of ants are, the more
communication they will have to with each other, the more pheromone
there will be. That’s my that’s my guess.
Interviewer: That’s your guess. Does that change your way you’re explaining how
they get food?
Rebecca: Can I say I don’t know.
Interviewer: Yeah that’s ne.
Rebecca: I don’t really know.
At this point, Rebecca has two ideas. As shown in Fig. 8, rst there is a purple chemi-
cal trail left by an ant, which connects ants. Second, she also imagines a mechanism
called “pheromones” learned from the researcher, that ants leave, and that attracts more
ants as communication gets denser. Interestingly, this sort of situation may come up in
many learning environments, where a learner may have her idea constructed from her
own experience in the world, and a set of declarative facts. For Rebecca, these two are
models she is simultaneously using to explain the simulation. Shortly, she will conserve
the two ideas into one through concept formation, inferring missing information from
that concept. At this point in the interview, she uses these dual models to answer some
questions about how congestions and disease work in ant colonies and applies both
ideas fairly differently, demonstrating the robustness of the two models. After seeing it
employed, we nally ask her if she can also see pheromones in the model. At that point,
she seems to assimilate by merging the two understandings into one ideas:
Interviewer: Can you see the pheromones in this model?
Rebecca: OH! Is this purple line pheromone?!
Interviewer: What do you think?
Rebecca: Hold on, let me just... cannot see clearly. My view is blocked by these
owers. [She examines the model for 16 seconds.]
Rebecca: Oh, I see. Did you notice that? You obviously noticed that.
Rebecca conserves her two understandings and then double checks her Eureka
Interviewer: Noticed what?
Rebecca: The denser the ants are the more ants, the more it is, you see that ants
are grouping here and the surrounding background color is like, bright
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
white. Because they are releasing a lot of pheromones. A single ant just
leaves this pheromones trails, like these purple trails, but when they
are grouping together there’s like a powerball.
Interviewer: Like a what?
We were not sure what a powerball was, but assumed she meant a massing and
wanted to be clearer on that. She claries that it means a lot of ants grouping together.
Rebecca: It’s a powerball.
Interviewer: Ok.
Rebecca: There’s a very strong powerball which means a lot of ants are releasing
the pheromone chemicals together.
Interviewer: So, what does that do?
Rebecca: Now? I don’t know what they are doing. There are just I guess, I know
what you mean, look you see these bright white places. that means they
are releasing chemicals aggressively. They are releasing chemicals to
let maybe friends their team players know there are food. ‘Come here.’
Interviewer: So why is the pink disappearing?
Rebecca: Disappearing? Maybe there are no food for them.
Like here.
Rebecca: Because it’s a chemical. It disappears.
Interviewer: What do you mean?
Rebecca: You release chemicals and chemicals kind of spread in the air.
As seen in Fig. 9, Rebecca assimilates the two branches of her understanding into
one, forming a concept. This is an example of conceptual change. She no longer holds
two separate ideas, one from declarative knowledge and one from experience, but in-
stead holds one model of how pheromones lead to agglomerations of ants that help them
self-organize to solve daily tasks. This is also an example of deep learning, where she
forms a process understanding. Then she adds a beginning state and an ending state to
the pheromones process. She also maps the action onto the coloration of the ground
process, seeing that whiter increases grouping resulting in a “powerball” where white
means higher concentrations of ants, and purple means lower concentrations of ants.
This is an example of forming a theory to better see the world. It also is an example
of discovering the meaning of representation through both declarative knowledge and
working with a computer- based model. Finally, she also invokes prior knowledge in
her theory to predict the chemical dissipate in air subprocess when released. It’s a break
through moment. After joining these processes together, she makes several predictions
with her newly conserved theory helping her see the world in a new way:
Rebecca: Now I know.
Interviewer: What do you know?
Rebecca: This chemical maybe [sends] the wrong messages.
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
Rebecca: Oh, I see. The stronger the messages the stronger this is, the more ants
will be attracted to this place.... Such a good game, I love it.
Rebecca: We’re kind of helping them to release the pheromones. Is that right,
about this chemical?
Interviewer: How would you know that?
Rebecca: Because there is a chemical option.
Interviewer: And how do you know that’s how you do. Why did you guess that?
Rebecca: Why do I get that?
Rebecca: Yeah.
Rebecca: Because once I press this button they are kind of attracted by this track,
this pheromone track.
At the end of the interview, Rebecca has constructed a model that the purple tracks
are called pheromone tracks, they are laid down by ants, and help the ants organize for
food gathering and war. At this point Rebecca has assimilated the two understandings,
observed and declarative, to form a new theory of how ants communicate. This new
theory led to conceptual change through play with a simulation that she can use to pre-
dict the ants movements, and trail placement:
Channel Purple
Group of ants
Sense food
Begin grouping
Attract (to
flowers and each
Sense food?
Turns ground
(more ants)
Groups ants
Attracts ants
(fewer ants)
Spread in the
Carry 50X weight Scavenge
Eat a leaf
Find food on
Animal Instinct
Recieve orders
from queens
Orders through
Make paths
to control Traffic
Smaller ants are
weaker and more
Increases your
likelihood of
getting hurt or
Fig. 9. Rebecca accommodates her observation of chemical trails with her declarative
knowledge about pheromone trails. She then adds beginnings and endings to her processes.
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
Interviewer: Do you know anything now, after playing this game that you didn’t
know before?
Rebecca: Yeah. Like this pheromone. Chemical I was confused. Like creating
channels for them. You know actually not, its leaving chemicals for
them to follow.
Rebecca went from visual confusion to a theory. She now mapped a system of com-
munication onto what was once visually confusing through assimilating while using a
simulation through a process of conceptual change.
As a caveat, from this interview there are two key factors we do not know: (1) the
length of time this new conception will last. Without reinforcement, or better yet, a delay
study to query how long the idea persists, we can say nothing about the durability of these
ideas. Worryingly, because they arose quickly, they may fade quickly. And (2) we should
consider the situationally contingent nature of the learning, it happened in interaction with
a model, and an interviewer. If other researchers use the method, some thought should be
given if such situational constraints should be inserted while coding with CDM.
Rebecca’s Agent-Based Knowledge Construction
To answer our second research question can we see evidence that new knowledge
structures emerge through gameplay and how these structures shift through time we
examined how Rebecca builds her knowledge about ants. We answer this by following
through her elaborations during the play. As shown above, Rebecca rst identies a
phenomenon she does not understand, namely, purple tracks. Then through observation,
she makes a conclusion that that phenomenon attracts other ants. From this prediction
she expresses its function, but maintains some confusion. This confusion is the affec-
tive state that accompanies her process of accommodation, that pushes her to account
for greater and greater parts of the complex phenomenon. As she forms the concept, she
operationalizes it to make conclusions about excessive aggregation of ants in large rein-
forcing groups caused by pheromone’s attractive qualities categorizing them as “power-
balls”. She then explains, with here newly constructed theory, how the phenomena end
through the dissipation of the chemical through air, like perfume.
This interaction also suggests an answer to our rst question, how can we cap-
ture visitors moment-to-moment sense-making? Moment-to-moment expressions stick
together as they account for what Rebecca sees. She even connects the declarative
knowledge we probe with. When they no longer helped her understand, she dropped the
ideas. Like her idea of pheromone just being on or off, rather than a continuous vari-
able where more concentration is lighter colored and more attractive. This process of
pruning suggested that in future uses of CDM, we should set a heuristic where we say
something like “if an idea isn’t used for X minutes, we can drop it from the tree.” As
a result, we used a version of this heuristic in the second treatment. Thus, her knowl-
edge is assimilating over time to accommodate to what she has seen. In other words,
she is constructing an idea of the parts of the representation she at rst is confused by,
and forms trees of processes that account for ever greater complexity of action in the
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
agent-based model. At times, the process looks like unstable concepts. However, as she
gathers more evidence, the concepts become helpful, predictive theories, helping her
learn how to see the model.
CDM is a useful way to document this change and stability. The interaction had two
main effects that CDM demonstrates. First, through the process of playing in the open-
ended environment Rebecca created a theory of how feedback, represented by phero-
mone trails, in the complex system leads to self-organization. Second, our analysis of
Rebecca’s use of Ant Adaptation demonstrates constructivist dialogue mapping’s utility
in tracking learning as concept elaboration. Ant Adaptation scaffolds her development of
theory to see how trails work in the microworld. The process of discovery engaged her
as she constructed this understanding of pheromone trails.
Treatment Two:
Constructing a Strategy to play Ant Adaptation through Feedback
While CDM can be used to track concepts as they develop, as in Rebecca’s case, you can
also use it to monitor what people know before and after an intervention. In this second
use, researchers can code the changes, before and after. New additions are coded in red
in this treatment.
While playing in a large natural history museum with his brothers and
sister, Thomas and his siblings were recruited to the study. Often times in open-ended
learning environments, interactions are not individual. Instead a whole family can in-
teract with the exhibit simultaneously. Thus, Thomas’ case demonstrates what one user
developed through interacting with the game and his siblings. This section addresses
our third question: How do these knowledge structures shift over time, or remain stable
emerging as theories explaining the context?
Thomas Pre-Interview
During the pre-interview, we established Thomas’ prior understanding of ants through
a semi-structured interview. As shown in Fig. 10, during the pre-questions he said ants
carry 50x their weight. In response to probes about how ants control trafc, he offered
the explanation that ants make physical paths, to control trafc, which he later rescinded
after playing the game. Protocol questions on aggressive roles prompted Thomas to
guess aggression simply increases an ant’s likelihood of getting hurt or even killed a
claim he later amended:
Interviewer: Okay. And then imagine you’re an ant. How do you think being
aggressive affects your life?
Thomas: Uh, if you’re aggressive, like, you- you’re ... Uh, how do we explain
While in this case we only present before and after, researchers could pictorially represent the changes at
ner grain sizes to show more of the construction of concepts, and also set heuristics for when ideas no
longer inhabit a CDM.
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
this? If you’re aggressive, like, you- since you go for more things you
have a greater risk of getting hurt or killed, I guess.
In response to questions about how ants know what to do, Thomas offered animal
instinct, or, a command and control understanding when ants get orders through antenna
and/or from their queen.
Interviewer: Okay. That’s fair. And then, how do ants know what to do? So, you said
they- they pick up leaves, or they scavenge, but how do they know to
do that?
Thomas: Um, animal instincts.
Interviewer: Animal instincts.
Thomas: Or the queen tells them to, if there’s a queen ant. We don’t know.
Interviewer: So, what’s the diff- How does the queen tell them to?
Thomas: It’s something with their antennas.
Interviewer: Okay.
Thomas: I think. Additionally, he said that ants scavenge food from the ground
or maybe eat leaves.
Thomas: Like, they can like go hunt for food. They can like, um, try like, get to
some, like, maybe some food on the ground like in the city or like in a
park, or they can just eat a leaf.
After we explained how the game worked, players broke into two teams, Thomas and
Ed versus Mary and Sam. At the beginning, the younger Sam and Mary chose to have
maximum-sized, not very aggressive ants (10% aggressive). Thomas and Ed chose to
have medium sized though not very aggressive ants (2% aggressive).
Near the beginning, players agreed through conversation on what strategies matter.
Soon, Thomas informed the older Ed how to play: “add owers close to the nest.” From
this we add a new ontological entity, owers, into the group’s constructivist dialogue
map and put a mechanism ‘close to the nest’ under it because the players started planting
Channel Purple
Group of ants
Sense food
Begin grouping
Attract (to
flowers and each
Sense food?
Turns ground
(more ants)
Groups ants
Attracts ants
(fewer ants)
Spread in the
Carry 50X weight Scavenge
Eat a leaf
Find food on
Animal Instinct
Recieve orders
from queens
Orders through
Make paths
to control Traffic
Smaller ants are
weaker and more
Increases your
likelihood of
getting hurt or
Fig. 10. Pre-play constructivist dialogue map of four players’ understanding of ants.
For instance, they think ants (entity) can carry 50 times their own weight (mechanism).
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
owers in close proximity. Notably, they did not mention owers in the pre-interview,
but also did not seem surprised by them. We think this is a case of constructing knowl-
edge through action in the game world, as it is unlikely they knew that some types of At-
tini ants collect owers for fungus farming. The players then established the connection
between two complex systems ideas – the proximity of food and increasing ant popula-
tion – through dynamic play with the model.
Post- Interview
Thomas seemed to develop an understanding of the feedback cycles inherent in Ant Ad-
aptation. Thomas offered this understanding as the way to play the game.
Thomas: Yeah, you had to gure it out and the- you have to have some owers,
see, and then you put the chemicals and lead it to there, then they’ll
bring it back, and like, if you want to get rid of the chemicals you use
the vinegar. So, um, you put some sunowers down, then you get the
chemicals and lead it to the sunowers and if- if there’s too much then
the ants aren’t getting the sunowers and you- then they’ll just like,
then you use the vinegar and erase it. But if- if you just do one path that
leads to the sunowers it’ll just get the energy and just keep going back
and forth and back and forth. And that’s how we got 21 [ants].
As shown in Fig. 11, in the post-test the players’ concept maps became more elabo-
rate. Thomas takes on a more cyclical understanding of the role of ants’ paths to attract
Fig. 11. Post-play constructivist dialogue map map of four players. Came to the cyclical under-
standing of pheromones in food foraging and a more contextual understanding of the role of
adaptions utility. Red Boxes indicate elaboration. Grey ideas that were not mentioned again.
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
each other to owers. Thomas argued that ants follow chemicals to bring food to “get
to 21” ants. He also saw that sometimes ants can get trapped in their own chemicals or
“white spots.” He used vinegar to clear excess chemicals. One of the primary motiva-
tions of the learning environment was to teach that the simple rules of agents could
lead to complex, social patterns that sustain a population of ants. Thomas’s descrip-
tions indicates he came to understand the impact of ants simple rules on complex social
behaviors. Thomas leveraged this new understanding to use the macro-level effects of
population size to lead his ants to victory by making predictions based in his theory
of the agent based model’s simple rules. Thomas employed complex systems thinking
learned in the short interaction to reach his goal of maximizing population. He set this
goal in communication with his teamate in the open-ended constructionist learning
environment afforded by our design of Ant Adaptation.
Through play, Thomas learned that entities like ants have a mechanism such as lay-
ing trails to attract other ants to owers in a cycle by recursively following the chemi-
cals. He also realized that sometimes this process can lead ants astray as shown by his
use of vinegar to redirect them out of deleterous local optima. He also constructed the
concept that the food source’s proximity to the colony increased the ant population by
increasing food intake. After he stated as much, the other side started placing owers
close to their nest, indicating they also understood agents’ actions led to the macro-level
effect of population growth.
We developed CDM (Martin, Horn and Wilensky, 2018; Martin and Wilensky 2018)
to study learning in an informal environment (Martin, 2018) based on constructionist
theory (Martin, Horn and Wilensky, 2019). Piaget presented a notion of knowledge that
is constructed. Since he believed knowledge is constructed, Piaget invented the clinical
interview to document how people construct these understandings during open-ended
conversation and question-asking designed to illuminate the way the child thinks of or
explains a phenomenon. The next step in this research for informatics is to automate it.
This work poses some challenges, but will be feasible in the near-term and so is worth
discussing here.
It is difcult to automatically transcribe what children say. But, the barriers are
dropping. According to a report by RideOut Media (2017) Most American Children
(98%) are now in a home with a tablet or smartphone. These provide ubiquitous access
to microphone, voice search enabled devices (Lovato & Piper, 2019)., an AI
powered transcription service, along with, are dropping the cost and increas-
ing the accuracy of automated transcription. As this revolution takes place, the need to
understand and identify key learning moments in children’s speech will rise.
Consequently, we should focus on natural language processing to identify ontologi-
cal entities, the functions they employ and their properties. In a naïve search, if all con-
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
cepts had a specic name, this would be a search for nouns, the verbs those nouns take,
and the adjectives and adverbs that that modify them. Unfortunately, language is less
clear than that. Not all entities have names. Antecedents are not always clear. At the mo-
ment, bridging these connections is the work of humans.
Previous research, however, suggests that an automated ontological concept map-
ping can help us track theory development. For example, the OntoClean (Guarino, Ni-
cola and Chris Welty, 2002) methodology supports the construction and evaluation of
taxonomic relationships based on the use of a number of philosophical meta-properties
– namely, unity, rigidity, identity and (notional) dependence – as well as on constraints
limiting relationships that can be established between concepts (types, properties)
tagged with these different meta-properties. It was the rst attempt to formalize ontol-
ogy for information systems. Moreover, Newsreader (Vossen et al., 2016) provides
aggregation of information over massive amounts of online text to build stories that
decision makers can use. In Newsreader there are four steps:
Identication, that extracts what happened to whom, and where. (1)
DeDuplication, which makes sure that similar information across a corpus is (2)
available only once, while referencing each article referring to it.
Aggregation show complementary articles across the corpus.(3)
Perspectivation, makes sure different viewpoints and perspectives in the corpus (4)
are traceable in the nal narrative.
While the previous work with Newsreader and OntoClean examines large corpus
understanding, we want to track how children develop their ideas in informal learning
environments. They develop their ideas rapidly, and sometimes hold two conicting
notions simultaneously. CDM suggests potential for the context. The advantage of this
approach is we can present the smallest parts of what we observe with large samples of
transcript data. For instance, we can note when users rst identify an unknown activity
and then how they build out an understanding of the subprocesses of that task (Martin,
Horn and Wilensky, 2018). Currently, we read the transcript to see how users construct
such operational knowledge on the representations they see.
Future Work
As a purely qualitative method, CDM demonstrates learning as concept elaboration
over time through the proxy of changes in speech (Leinhardt and Crowley, 1998).
Through automating this process, in future work, we will scale the process, and there-
by test our methods on larger n-samples of data. Mixed Human-Articial Intelligence
solutions, like Quantitative Ethnography (Shafer, 2017), Ncoder (Shafer et al., 2015)
or DeepLabCut (Mathis, 2018 et al., 2018) are methods that we will use in the near
term. These approaches mix researchers’ hand-coding a small number of bits of text,
that can scale to larger corpuses of text or behavior data using regular expressions or
machine learning.
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
The system of tracking players’ conceptual development illustrated how their thinking
changed throughout the interaction. Thomas learned that the chemical trails lead ants
through a cycle that feeds the whole colony. He also learned that sometimes this process
can lead ants astray, and how to intervene with vinegar in the self-organized system to
optimized it. Meanwhile, Rebecca’s knowledge emerged through play. Using CDM, we
tracked how Rebecca created a theory of how feedback between ants in a colony leads to
self-organization of food foraging. These two examples showed CDM’s utility in track-
ing learning as concept elaboration through interaction with technology and a facilitator.
The method highlights two parts of the theory:
Elaboration of discussion improves understanding. And by tracking the paths of (1)
elaborations and its sometimes dual conceptions we can observe conservation of
concepts in transcripts.
Knowledge uidly grows through action taken in a complex system. The dynam-(2)
ic interaction with the model enabled users to learn through mediation with the
computer system, each other, and a facilitator. This sort of dialectic interaction
could be scaled to other learning environments, and tracked through CDM.
The game facilitated its learning objectives by scaffolding theory development. When
people engage part of a complex system, they attempt their best theories in real time, and
received dynamic feedback from the computer and each other. The overly abundant data
gets t into a theory that people test in mediation with the machine and themselves and
nds regularities and breaks in their system of thought.
The constructivist dialog mapping approach introduced in this paper was used to
capture changes in a players understanding of agents, functions and properties. We
demonstrated the process of learning complex ant systems through playful interaction
with our agent-based modelling game, Ant Adaptation. In future work, CDM could also
be useful in tracking what people learn in other learning environments where they inter-
act with peers, technology and teachers.
Elaboration of discussion improves understanding. Through the presentation of
Thomas case, we show that a player added to his understanding of ant colonies through
the elaboration of discussion about a complex system. He started using vinegar to elimi-
nate local optima where the ants got trapped. Simultaneously, he used the feedback of
pheromone trails to organize his colonys foraging and adjust adaptations to changing
Knowledge uidly grew through action taken in the complex system. From Rebecca,
we notice that her knowledge is fairly uid namely, she came up with theories on the
y. She took a while to decide on one, and it seems her notions were a bit more xed
and situational. Our research question was how users are building their knowledge when
using the model of ant competition. She understands the rules of the behavior of indi-
viduals to make sense and meaning from agent-based models. Thus, we nd this agent-
based model a felicitous way for students to freely construct. Working with each other
and mediated by the tabletop game, they build understanding of the complex systems
Constructivist Dialogue Mapping Analysis of Ant Adaptation
processes by conserving change and forming operational concepts – like children grow-
ing up in a gas cloud.
Effortful problem-solving activity is the process of science, and that is the process
constructivist dialogue mapping tracks. The CDM approach introduced in this paper
was able to capture changes in a players understanding of agents, functions and prop-
erties (entities mechanisms), while they learned complex ant systems through playful
interaction with our agent-based modelling game, Ant Adaptation. CDM captured the
changes as utterances occurring during a short interaction. By analyzing changes in
talk pre- and post- play, we found that a player learned about feedback, and employed
that learning at multiple levels to maximize an ant population. The elaboration took
place by forming and testing theories with Ant Adaption. This method could be used
in other learning environments to inquire about the association between elaboration of
talk about concept formation.
We would like to thank Paul Won, Gabby Anton, Bill Hoover, Rui Han and Melissa
Perez for their feedback. We would like to thank Francisco López-Bermúndez for his
illustrations. We also would like to thank the Center for Connected Learning and Com-
puter Based Models, TIDAL, and TIILT labs for their feedback throughout the project,
and the supportive Northwestern Community. Additionally, Marcelo Worsley and Emily
Wang provided copious insight. Finally, we would like to thank the National Science
Found (NSF Stem+C: Award # 1842375) and the Multidisciplinary Program in Educa-
tion Sciences (IES: Award # R305B090009) for funding the project.
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K. Martin is a doctoral student at Northwestern University in Learning Sciences and
a Multidisciplinary Program in Education Sciences fellow. He completed the Thomas
Watson Fellowship, studying the simulation of ants through naturalistic observation in
South America, the Middle East, and Africa. His research considers the pedagogical val-
ue of constructing agent-based models in complexity education, often times with ants.
Some of his recent work has focused on restructuring history and creative writing classes
through the use of digital environments. Find more about him at
K. Martin, M. Horn, U. Wilensky
M. Horn is an associate professor at Northwestern University with a joint appointment
in Computer Science and the Learning Sciences. Mike runs the Tangible Interactive
Design and Learning Lab. His research considers the intersection of human-computer
interaction and learning, with a focus on thoughtful uses of emerging technologies in
diverse learning settings. Some of his recent projects have included an investigation of
multi-touch tabletops in natural history museums, and the use of tangible programming
languages in kindergarten classrooms and science museums.
U. Wilensky, Lorraine H. Morton Professor of Learning Sciences, Computer Science
and Complex Systems, is the founder and current director of the Center for Connected
Learning and Computer-Based Modeling. He is also a faculty member in Cognitive Sci-
ence, philosophy, the program in Technology and Social Behavior, the CIERA center
and the Segal Design Center research council. He co-founded the Northwestern Institute
on Complex Systems (NICO). He is the author of the NetLogo agent-based modeling
software, which his lab actively maintains and improves.