Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Preventive
Substance-Use-Care Services in Primary Care through the
Affordable Care Act
Udi E. Ghitza, PhD and Betty Tai, PhD
Center for the Clinical Trials Network, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of
Health, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD, USA
Undertreated or untreated substance use disorders (SUD) remain a pervasive, medically-harmful
public health problem in the United States, particularly in medically underserved and low-income
populations lacking access to appropriate treatment. The need for greater access to SUD treatment
was expressed as policy in the Final Rule on standards related to essential health benefits, required
to be covered through the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance exchanges. SUD
treatment services have been included as an essential health benefit, in a manner that complies
with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) of 2008. Consequently, with
the ACA, a vast expansion of SUD-care services in primary care is looming. This commentary
discusses challenges and opportunities under the ACA for equipping health care professionals
with appropriate workforce training, infrastructure, and resources to support and guide science-
based Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for SUD in primary care.
Substance use disorders; Affordable Care Act; addiction treatment; drug abuse treatment; primary
care; medical settings; electronic health record; health information technology; prevention;
medical home; implementation science; health care reform; health services research; patient-
centered medical home; electronic medical record
Undertreated or untreated substance use disorders (SUD) remain a pervasive, medically-
harmful public health problem in the United States (U.S.), especially in medically
underserved and low-income populations lacking access to appropriate treatment. In 2012,
nearly 90% of the 23 million people aged 12 or older in the U.S. who needed treatment for
an illicit drug or alcohol use problem did not receive treatment at a specialty facility in the
past year.
Individuals with untreated SUD are at a significantly greater risk for health
problems from chronic co-occurring conditions such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, depression, anxiety disorders, various cancers,
and major psychosis.
Health care professionals in primary care settings are in a unique
position to perform Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for
SUD to detect early and to prevent alcohol and other drug use problems and adverse medical
consequences of tobacco use, unhealthy alcohol use, and the nonmedical use of prescription
and illicit drugs. A science-based, preventive care approach, SBIRT is used to identify
people at high risk for unhealthy alcohol use, tobacco use, and nonmedical or illicit drug
© Meharry Medical College
Please address correspondence to: Udi E. Ghitza, PhD; Center for the Clinical Trials Network, National Institute on Drug Abuse,
National Institutes of Health, 6001 Executive Boulevard, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA; (301) 443–6697; [email protected].
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
J Health Care Poor Underserved. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 April 13.
Published in final edited form as:
J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2014 February ; 25(1 0): 36–45. doi:10.1353/hpu.2014.0067.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript
use; to offer them counseling as needed to address medically-harmful use; and to get them or
to link them—as appropriate—with the care they need for their alcohol or other drug use
problem. Integrating SBIRT with primary care in medical settings effectively reduces
tobacco and unhealthy alcohol use in adults 18 years or older, and data are accumulating for
its role in reducing drug abuse and improving overall health as well.
Integrating SBIRT
with primary care services in general medical settings aims to provide appropriate
preventive care to the many people in the U.S. at risk for SUD who do not receive the
treatment they need for their alcohol or other drug problems.
The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides unprecedented opportunities for expanded
insurance coverage and increased funding for science-based SUD treatment services in
medical settings, such as SBIRT integrated within primary care.
The public health need for
greater access to SUD treatment in primary care was expressed as policy in the Final Rule
on standards related to essential health benefits (EHBs) required to be covered through the
ACA health insurance exchanges. Services for SUD have been included as an EHB, in a
manner that complies with the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA)
of 2008.
That law applies to large group health plans and mandates insurance-plan
coverage for SUD treatment services to provide those benefits in no more a restrictive
manner than all other medical and surgical benefits covered by the plan.
applies to both inpatient and outpatient settings. In this manner, the ACA is designed to
greatly increase access to SUD treatment services for the approximately 21 million people in
the U.S. in need of care for an alcohol or other drug use problem who do not receive
appropriate treatment.
In the context of health care reform through the ACA, this
commentary reviews challenges and opportunities for providing health care professionals in
primary care suitable workforce training, infrastructure, and resources to support and guide
Workforce Training Needs for Integrating SBIRT in Primary Care under the
Under the ACA, both Medicaid and private insurance coverage is likely to increase for
medically underserved and low-income populations with multiple chronic co-occurring
behavioral health disorders like SUD.
This presents important opportunities for state
Medicaid agencies to coordinate services with SUD treatment agencies to more closely
integrate continuity of care and funding streams for treating low-income and medically
underserved individuals with SUD and other chronic co-morbid conditions.
recent data suggest many SUD treatment agencies are poorly prepared to do so.
Additionally, many are not well prepared for the impending ACA provisions related to
workforce training.
This training is needed to leverage meaningful use of health
information technology systems to deliver and monitor evidence-based treatments in a
patient-centered medical home manner, in support of a continuum of integrated SUD and
primary care services.
There are also vast shortages of health care professionals trained in
addiction medicine.
Several ACA workforce provisions are designed to identify and
address barriers to and shortages in workforce training in behavioral health medicine and
broader health care services in medical settings. For example, the ACA establishes a
National Health Care Work Force Commission. This Commission is an advisory panel
composed of expert leaders in the health care labor force field whose duties are to serve as a
resource for the U.S. Congress, the President, and state and local governments to assess
whether workforce education and training capacity is being met for effectively
implementing the ACA, and how to address identified barriers. This Commission’s
responsibilities include evaluating whether education and training capacity exists for
integrating mainstream health care delivery systems with the behavioral health care
workforce needed to offer behavioral health care services under the ACA.
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charges the National Center for Health Care Workforce Analysis to work in cooperation
with this Commission to develop performance measures for analyzing the health care
workforce and performance of workforce training programs under the ACA.
In addition,
the National Health Care Work Force Commission is charged with collaborating with the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to help the federal government
plan, solicit, review, and monitor the progress of State Health Care Workforce Development
The purpose of these grants is to provide funding to states to develop
comprehensive workforce expansion education, planning, and implementation strategies to
execute those plans effectively in support of state and local level workforce development
under the ACA.
Therefore, this Commission is critical to helping the U.S. federal
government oversee health care workforce training. This oversight is informed by expert
understanding of current needs to meet the demand for having the necessary workforce
capacity to cover behavioral health care and broader medical services effectively under the
ACA health insurance exchanges.
However, it remains to be determined whether the U.S.
Congress will appropriate the necessary funding to allow this Commission to carry out these
responsibilities, and whether it will continue funding for State Health Care Workforce
Development Grants to support the ACA implementation.
Scarcity of health care professional education and training in SBIRT is another substantial
barrier to expanding the necessary medical capacity under the ACA to increase access to
evidence-based treatment for SUD in low-income and medically under-served populations.
Nationwide efforts are needed to enhance health care professionals’ skills and training in
science-based SUD screening and brief intervention.
Establishing a strong foundation of
well-trained health care professionals in addiction medicine requires that organizations
setting health care curriculum and medical school accreditation standards work together with
state authorities who receive State Health Care Workforce Development Grants, members of
the National Health Care Work Force Commission, professional societies/associations,
educational institutions, and/or federal and state government policymakers to institute policy
changes ensuring that standardized evidence-based SBIRT curricula and training are
delivered to students in health care profession disciplines pertinent to SUD care in medical
Several provisions in Title V of the ACA boost financial resources for training an expanded
health care workforce on treating SUD and other behavioral health conditions in general
medical settings.
For example, these provisions award grants from the U.S. federal
government to eligible graduate psychology and social work schools and programs to recruit
students and provide clinical training in treating mental health conditions, including SUD, in
medical settings. These programs address a need for federal-government financial support to
train non-physician clinicians such as social workers, psychologists, and child and
adolescent mental health care providers to deliver science-based SUD and mental health
preventive care in primary care settings. However, more nationwide resources are needed to
support SUD-treatment workforce training in medical settings, and to provide strong
technical assistance to integrate this behavioral-health care workforce with primary-care
services, in order to expand the capacity for implementing effective SUD preventive-care
and treatment services under the ACA within a chronic care model of disease
Electronic Health Record-based Needs for Integrating SBIRT in Primary
Care under the ACA
Another key step toward better integration of SBIRT with other health care system services
in U.S. medical settings is to promote the adoption and meaningful use of brief and validated
screening and brief assessment tools for SUD in interoperable electronic health record
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systems (EHRs).
Toward this end in the context of the ACA and MHPAEA pay-for-
performance incentive policies, it is also essential to develop EHRs-based validated clinical
quality measures/performance measures to evaluate performance of SBIRT’s
implementation to improve clinical practice and quality of care. In primary care
this can be supported through development and implementation of a science-
based clinical quality measure (CQM)/performance measure reporting on the utilization of
systematic SUD screening, intervention/brief counseling procedures and delivery of
appropriate follow up, as needed.
Standardization of this performance measure for its wide
adoption and meaningful use in EHRs using Common Data Elements (CDEs) and common
data standards would provide a standardized terminology for the uniform collection and
exchange of health information across multiple EHRs platforms. These CDEs are data
elements that have been identified and defined for common use across different EHRs and
other data sources. Performance-measure standardization using CDEs is an important means
to enable data integration from multiple EHRs, which would allow for broader and more
effective coordinated care management of SUD as a chronic disease under the ACA. Indeed,
SUD is a chronic relapsing brain disease which must be managed in a patient-centered
manner with other co-occurring diseases. Integration of evidence-based SBIRT in primary
care is critical for implementing SUD services in patient-centered medical homes and other
medical settings under the ACA. Integration of SBIRT with primary care can be facilitated
through the meaningful utilization of such EHR-based CDEs and performance measures
together with pragmatic point-of-care decision support tools which could easily be
incorporated in busy medical-setting workflows.
Meaningful use of EHRs-based tools
also helps health care professionals in developing appropriate holistic treatment plans based
upon the patients’ complete medical histories taking into account medications and other
treatments furnished by other providers.
To promote safe and effective patient care for SUD within medical settings in this manner,
the National Institute on Drug Abuse Center for the Clinical Trials Network (NIDA CCTN)
and National Cancer Institute (NCI), in collaboration with the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), is supporting the development, validity and
reliability testing, and electronic specification of a standardized and science-based
composite CQM/performance measure. This CQM would be for combined screening and
intervention for substance use (including tobacco use, unhealthy alcohol use, illicit drug use,
and nonmedical prescription drug use) to support validated and standardized substance use
screening, assessment of level of risk for SUD, and intervention/brief counseling or referral
to specialty care (as needed) by primary care providers.
This performance measure,
designed for primary care settings, reports on the percentage of patients aged 18 years and
older who were screened at least once within the last 24 months for tobacco use, unhealthy
alcohol use, nonmedical prescription drug use, and illicit drug use using a systematic
screening method and who received an intervention (e.g., brief counseling) for all positive
screening results. The NIDA CCTN has submitted to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) a description and draft of this measure for inclusion in CMS’s list
of candidate performance measures under consideration. The NIDA CCTN is supporting
ongoing development as well as feasibility, validity, and reliability testing of this composite
performance measure for final submission to CMS for consideration and possible inclusion
in its performance-measure reporting programs, including in the core set of clinical quality
measures on which eligible professionals are required to report performance in order to
receive reimbursement incentives under the CMS Incentive Program for the Meaningful Use
of EHRs. This measure is also currently being considered for inclusion among the CMS
Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) performance measures and among the
Medicare Shared Savings Program quality measures. Development and broad use of such a
substance use screening and intervention performance measure in integrated health care-
system EHRs also would be an important means by which NIDA CCTN and other federal
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and community stakeholders would promote in the context of the ACA the broad and
systematic collection of standardized data on substance use screening, intervention and
follow up in EHRs of primary care settings. This in turn would be an important means by
which to accelerate translational implementation science research on how to most effectively
improve integration of SUD preventive services within primary care. This translational
research will also likely facilitate the creation of big data sets to inform the advancement of
a science-based “learning health care system,” as recently advocated by the U.S. Institute of
Medicine (IOM).
Recommendations for Future Translational Research to Advance Science-
based Implementation of SUD Treatment under the ACA
Implementation-science research is needed to identify and develop valid and reliable EHRs-
based performance standards/metrics of effective coordinated or integrated chronic patient
management (including SBIRT) and self-management of SUD with other co-occurring
chronic diseases. Meaningful use of these performance metrics together with pragmatic
point-of-care decision support tools relevant to SUD preventive care would help standardize
the delivery of actionable goal-driven treatment plans in the ACA health care systems, such
as patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs). It would be useful for these performance
standards/ metrics to be compatible with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
strategic plan on treatment of Multiple Chronic Conditions.
In addition, in order to
strengthen the links between behavioral medicine (for example, mental health and SUD
treatment) and primary care in the context of the ACA, there is a need to further develop
common data standards and Common Data Elements to facilitate the uniform systematic
data collection and outcome and performance reporting in these integrated health care
Importantly, embedded in these integrated health care systems, there is a need to create
disorder/disease-specific patient registries. These patient registries are critical to better
understand how patients with SUD and other chronic co-occurring conditions receive the
care they need under the ACA. Patient registries are also needed to understand how patients
best utilize treatment and self-management resources, most effectively respond to preventive
care such as SBIRT, and how their co-occurring health problems are managed most
effectively in medical settings. They are also needed to more fully characterize co-
morbidities with SUD and responses to treatment regimens in different patient
subpopulations. Patient registries are also an important means to evaluate dose/response
relationships of treatment implementation, as well as associations of treatment
implementation with drug use outcomes and long-term morbidity and mortality outcomes.
Furthermore, well-designed patient registries could facilitate identification of effective
behavioral and pharmacological treatments in patient subgroups to steer the SUD treatment
field toward practice-informed adaptive-research designs to advance chronic care
management (CCM) in a “learning health care system.”
In addition, expansion of
behavioral health care under the ACA offer unprecedented opportunities to establish high-
quality patient registries which may be leveraged as a platform on which EHRs may be used
for facilitating conduct of low-cost point-of-care randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
Point-of-care RCTs using registry EHRs that seek to translate evidence-based practices into
routine clinical care could also capitalize on development of inexpensive mobile-
technologies to speed up patient recruitment, enrollment and collection of data from real-
world settings remotely at a low cost.
Patient registries could also be leveraged for data-
mining and other big data analytical purposes to assist in developing evidence-based clinical
decision support tools and clinical practice guidelines to implement practical science-based
treatment plans within the context of the ACA health care systems.
Safeguards needed to
ensure privacy and confidentiality protection for patients with substance use problems,
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which need to be implemented in patient registries, have been discussed elsewhere.
implementation science research is needed on how to design practical, actionable brief
interventions tailored to best match risk categories produced by SUD screening and brief
assessment. This health services research also needs to determine how such interventions
can most easily be routinely delivered by trained health care professionals at medical
settings in a brief/user-friendly manner by simplifying interventions to address busy
workflow issues and the training needs of staff at these settings.
Furthermore, implementation science research is needed on how most effectively to leverage
meaningful use of health information technology innovations, such as e-health, mobile-
health, and telemedicine technologies, not only to measure, monitor, and evaluate
performance standards for quality improvement in clinical practice but also to enhance
access and extend treatment resources to low-income and medically underserved
populations. This is particularly important for low-income and medically underserved
communities suffering disproportionately from ill health in which lack of access to properly
trained SUD-treatment health professionals remains a major obstacle to receiving timely and
effective SUD treatment.
E-health, mobile-health, and telemedicine technologies are a
means to extend the reach of properly trained health professionals knowledgeable in
science-based SUD treatment by promoting communication independent of distance.
also enable continuous monitoring and science-based intervention tools to be applied in a
team-based, proactive approach to integrate preventive SUD care and CCM into primary
care for patients with SUD and other chronic co-morbid diseases.
Thus, leveraging and
meaningfully using mobile-health and telemedicine technologies as physician extenders
offer opportunities for enhancing care efficiency in PCMHs and other primary care settings
supported through the ACA.
An important impediment to providing effective SBIRT in primary care settings under the
ACA is ensuring that temporary behavioral change motivated by primary-care brief
interventions (BI) remains consistent over time. Methods delivered by mobile-health
technologies to help sustain behavioral change would be very useful. Effective techniques
for sustaining behavioral change over time are likely to share characteristics such as the
ability of feedback delivered to be individualized as conditions change. In the ACA primary
care settings, rigorous systematic research is needed to evaluate effectiveness of leveraging
mobile-health technologies which function as physician aids and offer prompt individualized
feedback to patients to help sustain health-promotion behavioral changes motivated by
primary-care BIs. Mobile-health applications are needed which could be programmed by
providers to ensure that patients follow through with their treatment plans, such as
adherence to action plans agreed upon during primary-care brief interventions. The patients’
answers should inform delivery of individualized feedback supporting self-management
skills. The mobile-health applications would in this manner help patients comply with
SBIRT brief intervention principles and track health care actions which have been
completed, such as linkage to indicated follow-up treatment.
In summary, the ACA promotes SUD preventive care and CCM in the context of PCMHs
and other primary care settings. The ACA’s provisions support whole-person wellness by
(1) embracing and funding eligible providers to adopt and implement coordinated chronic
care models in the context of PCMHs; (2) training of a multidisciplinary PCMH workforce
to implement such care; (3) the adoption and meaningful use of EHRs; and (4) leveraging
telemedicine, mobile-health technologies, and patient registry infrastructures to increase
treatment access, capacity, and reach in low-income and medically underserved populations.
The ACA also eliminates the lifetime caps and restricts the annual caps on services/benefits
instituted by many insurance plans.
Further discussion has been presented elsewhere in
recently published papers on barriers and opportunities for leveraging meaningful use of
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EHRs in coordinating patient-centered care, and integrating SUD preventive care and
chronic care management in PCMHs and community health centers.
Advancing the important implementation-science research discussed above and effectively
disseminating promising findings from them to policymakers and other key stakeholders in
charge of implementing the ACA would be powerful drivers to increase the delivery of
evidence-based SUD services such as SBIRT and CCM in tandem with broader health care
services in primary care settings and patient-centered medical homes. Such health-services
research would also promote a high-quality, integrated approach to behavioral health and
whole-person wellness, according to a “learning health care system.” Indeed, the U.S.
Institute of Medicine (IOM) concluded that key “learning health system features are likely to
include use of electronic health records (EHRs) to accumulate data about the results of
specific treatments across different types of patients. Well-built electronic health records
would enable health professionals to enter data about treatments into the patient record
routinely. Systems technologists could then assemble treatment-specific files across all
patients while purging the files of patient identifiers, and researchers could in turn mine
these files to determine which treatments have worked.”
The vision and trend of
transporting clinical research to health care-system (HCS) settings, and leveraging of HCS-
based EHRs to advance big-data implementation science, could play a key role in closing
the current gap between SUD clinical research and practice within the context of the ACA.
Furthermore, adoption and meaningful use in HCS EHRs of a science-based, standardized
performance measure for combined screening and intervention for tobacco use, unhealthy
alcohol use, illicit drug use, and nonmedical prescription drug misuse would provide an
important means by which to facilitate systematic collection and integration of big data sets
to bridge the knowledge divide between SUD-preventive-care (including SBIRT) research
and clinical practice, thereby promoting quality improvement of patient-centered care.
Advancing these critical implementation-science research directions and performance
measures/metrics is likely to play a key role in promoting science-based integration of
preventive care such as SBIRT for substance use disorders within general medical settings in
the context of the ACA’s health care reform.
Udi E. Ghitza and Betty Tai are employees of the Center for the Clinical Trials Network of the National Institute on
Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health, the funding agency for the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical
Trials Network. The opinions in this manuscript are those of the authors and do not represent the official position of
the U.S. government.
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