The Affordable Care Act
and Electronic Health Care Records
Does today's technology support the vision of a paperless health care system?
Health Law
Sarah Freymann Fontenot, BSN, JD,
is the health
law professor for Trinity University (San Antonio)
MHA Program in the Department of Health Care
Administration and has been a member of the ACPE
faculty since 2006.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) promotes the con-
tinuing development of electronic health records (EHRs)
to decrease costs and improve the quality of health care.
Unlike other aspects of the ACA that we have previously
reviewed, support for health information technology (HIT)
is not contained in one specific section of the law. Rather,
it is a necessary and sufficient condition for many of the
ACA's initiatives.
On the cost reduction side, for example, increased
access to digital records will decrease costs, duplication
and claim processing time by allowing multiple provid-
ers to rely upon one laboratory finding; by facilitating
data mining to detect fraudulent billing practices; and by
advancing per capita comparisons between communities
with similar patients but disparate utilization rates.
The evidence that EHRs will be essential and effec-
tive in enabling the improvement of health care quality is
neither conclusive nor straightforward. Many people in
the medical community doubt whether digital information
benefits the quality of care at all.
To begin, it is important to note that EHRs predate the
ACA by decades. In 2001, the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
described the significance of digitalizing health care:
The committee believes IT must play a central role
in the redesign of the health care system if a substantial
improvement in health care quality is to be achieved during
the coming decade.
In the 1990s, the country was rapidly recognizing
the possibilities for computers and digital information
throughout society; the share of households with Internet
access increased 58 percent between December 1998 and
August 2000.
With communication, news, research and shopping cov-
ered, health care was the obvious next sector for implement-
ing information technology. That transition, as we now know,
proved to be cumbersome. As medicine involved thousands
of individual businesses, a centralized, efficient acquisition
process (such as was witnessed by the monolithic Veterans
Administration system) clearly would not be possible.
For the majority of physicians who practiced in solo
or very small group practices the cost would be prohibi-
tive. Furthermore, the ensuing chaos of vendors vying
to outsell one another and meet the demand for in-office
technology resulted in software programs that literally did
not talk to one another.
Privacy matters
Perhaps most significantly, privacy concerns rep-
resented by 50 state laws addressing patient confidential-
ity and the Privacy Act of 1974 were compounded by
the HIPAA Privacy Rule (effective April 14, 2003) and only
furthered the idea that HIT was a distant dream. Yet the
vision of a "paperless health care system" has not been lost
through decades of difficulties and recalcitrant adopters.
Even the most casual analyses of multiple private and pub-
lic initiatives over the years, including the ACA, would find
frequent mentions of this distant utopia.
To understand the resiliency of this yearning for
technology to create a healthier country, we must briefly
review the original intention for medical records.
In the fifth century B.C., medical reporting was highly
influenced by Hippocrates. He advocated that the medi-
cal record serve two goals: it should accurately reflect the
course of disease, and it should indicate the possible causes
of disease.
Patient records date back to ancient civilization.
Traditionally, the record was for the benefit of the physi-
cian; in its purest form, the record told the medical story
of a patient, enabling the doctor to remember details that
would otherwise be lost to memory. As specialization
diversified health care, so too did the need for records in
order to facilitate cohesive care.
Various practitioners involved
in one patient's treatment needed to
communicate their findings, thoughts
and interventions to one another. It
became increasingly important for an
organized chart to be shared among
parties involved in a patient’s care
as institutional providers, such as
hospitals and skilled nursing facili-
ties, developed in the 19th and 20th
centuries. Although these records
served the necessity of patient care,
they also aided in the transforma-
tion of medicine to the science that
Hippocrates envisioned.
Medical records took on entirely
new functions in the latter part of
the 20th century. As the country
became more litigious, a patient's
record became the focal point of a
plaintiff's claim that the physician
failed to meet the standard of care, or
conversely, key evidence for the phy-
sician's decision-making process.
The dreaded axiom, "If it wasn't
documented, it didn't happen," refers
to the patient's chart. With the devel-
opment of private insurance and the
advent of Medicare and Medicaid,
billing and charting became intimate-
ly connected. In more recent decades,
the record became an integral part of
the investigation and prosecution of
fraudulent billing practices.
Finally, medical review boards
have become increasingly interested
in records as a means to police the
quality of care that licensed practi-
tioners provide. Hippocrates' simple,
private reminder system for indi-
vidual physicians had, by the 1990s,
gained significant legal and regula-
tory implications.
As information technology
advanced, it became more unreason-
able to maintain important informa-
tion on the inherently fragile and pre-
carious medium of paper. The risk was
underscored dramatically in the devas-
tation wrought by Hurricane Katrina.
In a matter of hours, 400,000
medical records were reduced to pulp
[at the] Medical Center of Louisiana
Cost and difficulties encountered with significant change are
certainly part of the pushback from many physicians who
refuse or regret the transition to EHRs, and many do not relish
the transparency that allows for remote data mining and
review by licensing and enforcement authorities.
patient's entire transition through life
and treatment becomes available far
beyond that patient and their encoun-
ters with the health care system. With
proper protections of identifying infor-
mation, astounding volumes of data are
available for significant study of the
most nettlesome chronic diseases.
Comparative effectiveness”
becomes a reality, as thousands upon
thousands of similar cases can be
easily, scientifically compared. The
possibility of actually curing the com-
mon cold is far more significant than
making an old idiom obsolete. Public
health agencies have the potential to
detect disease outbreaks long before
they occur, and science can modify
therapies to demographic changes in
real time.
Perhaps the most dramatic
extension of health care facilitated by
HIT is the expected explosion in tele-
health, where patients living in the
most remote and underserved regions
of our country can gain access to
primary care through a face-to-face
encounter with a practitioner who
may be thousands of miles away.
In light of those significant
opportunities and advancements for
the overall quality of our nation's
health care, it might be difficult for
an outside observer to understand
why HIT is not enthusiastically
embraced by all sectors of the health
care system, particularly physicians.
The reason for that contradiction
lies in the day-to-day realities of
EHR technology for the people actu-
ally using them as part of delivering
patient care.
Dr. David J. Brailer [the first
national coordinator for health
information technology], said: The
current information tools are still dif-
ficult to set up. They are hard to use.
They fit only parts of what doctors
do, and not the rest.”
Cost and difficulties encoun-
tered with significant change are
certainly part of the pushback from
many physicians who refuse or regret
more standardized patient care proto-
col for specific conditions or diseases.
Data mining of electronic records and
billing greatly assists enforcement of
fraud and abuse, as the investigator
can identify fraudulent practices with-
out ever crossing an office's threshold.
Similarly, licensing bodies have far
greater opportunities for scrutiny
through remote access to records that
may reveal quality of care issues for an
individual physician.
An online, patient portal best
exemplifies the boon of EHRs for
patients, for it grants secure, 24/7
access to an individual's personal
chart. No longer is there a need for a
signed release, waiting days or weeks,
or potential fees in order to get a paper
copy of a record. Now, patients who are
awake in the middle of the night can
peruse their own laboratory reports
and anxiously read between any (per-
ceived) lines in their physician's notes
from the day's office visit.
IT taking hold
For all of these reasons, EHR
adoption has begun to take hold
among physicians; this rate has accel-
erated significantly with the finan-
cial assistance offered through the
"meaningful use" program under the
the Health Information Technology
for Economic and Clinical Health
(HITECH) Act in 2009.
A recent survey found that about
70 percent of doctors now use elec-
tronic health records in some form,
which many experts see as a tipping
As implementation of the ACA
brings transparency, population
research and telemedicine to new
levels, HIT will be integrally involved.
The potential of transparency
through EHRs is a seismic change
from paper charts.
Specific data about outcomes
can now be gleaned and shared from
the level of an individual physician
to a multi state health care organiza-
tion. With an electronic record, the
in New Orleans.... Every paper record
was destroyed.
Overnight thousands of
Louisiana residents lost their medi-
cal history forever, which was a blow
to their own health care and to their
future generations seeking genetic
information and accounts of family
health patterns.
Ironically, patients were actu-
ally quite late in recognizing the
significance of being able to retrieve
their own health information. Only in
the past few decades have state laws
gradually recognized a patient’s right
of access to their own records, though
to this day, many still dictate that a
medical chart is the personal prop-
erty of the provider who creates it.
The HIPAA Privacy Rule was the first
time that a uniform, federal right of
access to a patient's personal medical
record was established.
This brief history of medical
records reinforces the arguments for
EHRs as a quality-enhancing technol-
ogy. If the record serves as a remind-
er for the individual physician, HIT
allows that same physician to have a
documentation vehicle that can assist
him or her with their decision-making
through immediate interaction with
prescribing information, contraindi-
cation warnings and easier access to
the patient's past medical history.
The EHR may put an end to jokes
about doctors' handwriting, for a leg-
ible record has actual value for other
providers trying to understand the
context of their own treatment inter-
ventions. A remotely accessible chart
can quickly guide physicians and nurs-
es in urgent care facilities throughout
our increasingly transient population.
The integrity of patient information is
also protected, as digital information is
not likely to be lost through misfiling
or environmental forces.
Because medical malpractice is
ultimately a judgment upon whether
a standard of care has been met,
digitized data collection assists those
practitioners who want to establish a
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Physicians may be faulted for being
resistant to change, but there are legiti-
mate concerns in the medical commu-
nity. Counterproductive frustrations
inherent in current EHR technology
and the unintended consequence of
financially driven, overuse of templates
undermine the very record that was
supposed to advance the coordination
and integration of care.
Of the core functions of a medi-
cal record detailed earlier, arguably
the only one in which EHRs have
demonstrated benefits to date is
in the collection of large amounts
of demographic data that advances
medical science. Ironically, that is
the function of records envisioned by
Hippocrates in 400 B.C.
1. Committee on Quality of Health Care in
America, Institute of Medicine. Crossing
the quality chasm: A new health system for
the 21st century. National Academies Press:
2001, 147.
2. Musen MA, van Bemmel J. Handbook of
medical informatics. Houten: Springer.
3. Dimick C. A Long Recovery: HIM
Departments Three Years After Katrina.
Journal of AHIMA, 2008, 79(9):42-46.
4. Drevitch G. Will We Ever Have Universal
Electronic Health Records? Forbes,
2013. http://www.forbes.com/sites/
5. Freudenheim M. The Ups and Downs of
Electronic Medical Records. New York
Times, 2012, Oct. 8. http://www.nytimes.
6. Doroshow J. Cookbook Medicine Is a
Recipe for Disaster. Huffington Post,
2013. http://www.huffingtonpost.
but in actual usage they are a
vehicle allowing physicians and other
providers to create profuse notes on
every patient encounter.
The drive for excessive docu-
mentation is not zeal for document-
ing for the patient's benefit or the
advancement of medical science; it is
billing. Templates allow physicians
to increase their income as billing is
immediately connected to the activi-
ties that were charted. Moreover,
because the templates are digital and
not human, they produce identical
text for each use.
The enormous, unintended conse-
quence of EHRs is voluminous records
overflowing with irrelevant informa-
tion. The greatest concern about EHRs
is also their greatest irony: the digital
record that was supposed to increase
communication among parties involved
in a patient’s care has actually resulted
in millions of computer-generated
pages that no one reads.
Laws, policies and regulations
have attempted for decades to trans-
form the American health care sys-
tem by simultaneously preserving the
excellence of individual patient care,
improving the population's overall
health and decreasing costs. The ACA
brings all three motivations together.
This laudable goal is dependent,
in many ways, on the implementation
of a national, robust and integrated
electronic record system. All of the
data collection, analysis, efficien-
cies and enforcement mandated by
the ACA require global acceptance of
EHRs, yet adoption of EHRs still lags
behind while the law's date for full
implementation draws ever closer.
No one can make an intelligible
argument to return to our old system
of incomplete, inaccessible and eas-
ily destroyed paper patient records,
but the vision of a paperless health
care system is still a hazy future.
Proponents of the ACA can only hope
that technology designed to reform
does not instead impede those very
the transition to EHRs, and many
do not relish the transparency that
allows for remote data mining and
review by licensing and enforcement
authorities. Physicians used to shield-
ing their patients' records from view
are uncomfortable with the prospect
of unlimited patient access through
online portals, and there are large
sectors of the medical community
that dismiss comparative effective-
ness as "cookbook medicine."
However, opposition to EHRs
generally does not stem from dis-
agreement over the vision of a
paperless health care system, rather
naysayers oppose the current idio-
syncrasies of EHRs. Users commonly
complain that EHRs take significantly
longer than paper charts to complete.
Familiarity takes some of the blame
here (anecdotally it has been reported
that it can take up to two years to
achieve fluency with EHR software),
however, the chief culprit is usually
the software code.
Computer experts may have cre-
ated a great vehicle with multiple lev-
els of security, but when the end user
has dozens of mouse clicks involved
in a simple entry, the level of irrita-
tion is understandable. Pop-up notic-
es and contraindication warnings are
numerous and often set at such a low
level that physicians are frequently
interrupted with unnecessary, extra-
neous information.
The net effect is similar to "alarm
fatigue" encountered in ICUs with
patients on respirators, when alarms
are turned off, or even if activated
are no longer heard by the nurses.
It is the medical equivalent of car
alarms in our broader society.
More than any technical issues,
physicians most vehemently complain
that EHRs are no better than those
who use them. The prevalence of tem-
plates allows everyone to document
far, far more than they ever did with
pen and ink. These templates can
increase both efficiency and the level
of documentation of patient care,